Chapter Seven: Gun Range

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Torchwood. Outside the government, beyond the police. Tracking down alien life on earth and arming the human race against the future. The twenty-first century is when everything changes.

And you've gotta be ready.


 Gwen joined us for chinese. 

"And she said, 'If I had know what he was, I never would've married him'!" Jack laughed.

"She knew, she knew all along."
"She didn't care, until, he started leaving black piles of mucus in the bathtub."

"That's always the big give away," Jack said,"Aliens have no sense of household hygiene. Which reminds me. Gotta pee." The others laughed.

"Well, I' gonna head back. I've got paperwork and such."


"So what've they told you?" Owen asked as soon as Jack left.

"What about?"


"You've been here longer then I have." I told them.

"We were banking on you." Tosh said.

"You're a copper, you're trained to ask questions."

"You don't know anything?" I asked.

"Not who they are, not where they're from. Nothing. Except that he's crazy in love with Diane."

"Really? Do you think so?"

"Owen doesn't. I do."

"And I don't care." Ianto added.

"It's so obvious! I mean, the way he looks at her when she isn't paying attention. The way he finds reasons to touch her, it's all the tell-tale signs!"

 "Jack and Diane can't like each other. Diane is too professional, and Jack flirts with everyone. He's a ladies man."  I thought back. The way he slung his arm around her when we left the pub. I nodded.

"I agree with Tosh. I think that Jack likes Diane."

"And she likes him too." She pointed at me with her chopsticks. "You should have seen her face when he left with you the other day. She was all like 'she's pretty'. It was hilarious."

"I didn't mean for that to happen. She doesn't hate me, does she?"

"No. Diane doesn't hate anyone. Strongly dislike, yes. Hate? Never." Owen said. the other two nodded in agreement.


I laughed from the computer. I looked to Jack.

"I wonder if they know we can hear them." I told him.

"Probably not." I smiled, but it soon faltered. 

"Is all of that stuff true? What they're saying?" He looked down at me. 

"Yeah. Yeah it is." He started leaning down towards me, but I stop him.

"They'll be wondering what's keeping you. You better get back in there." He nodded.

"Yeah. Probably." He continued to look into to my eyes.He started leaning in again.

"Jack...I'm serious."

"So am I." I put a hand on his chest, stopping him. I smiled and got up, walking back into the room.


"Hey, Diane?" Tosh called. "I think Jack wants you."

"Where is he?"

"Gun range." I walked down the long hallway until I reached the range. Jack was waiting for me, all of the guns we owned. I hated using guns, so I had never learned how.

"You need to know how to use these...though I hope you never have to."

"Do I really?" I questioned. "I've done fine this far."

"True, but it's important that you know how to if you have to. " He bent down to my ear, whispering, "Just because you can't die, doesn't mean you won't need to defend yourself." I sighed.

"Fine." I slipped on the yellow safety glasses and earmuffs."Teach my how to shoot." He put his on too, grabbing a gun and putting the clip in it. He pressed the cold metal into my palm. I aimed at the target. Jack put his hand over mine on the gun, moving my other hand.

"One hand, not two." He put his hands on my shoulders, and I brought the gun down. "Turn sideways to the target. He moved my hair off of my shoulder pressing himself tight against me.. He ran his fingers down my arm,causing a shiver to go down my spine. "Down your shoulder, up your arm." He brought his arm up. "Straight line to the sights. Bring up the gun." I reared it up, but he stopped me."Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa..." He grabbed my shoulders, pressing me back into his chest. His mouth moved against the back of my head. "Too fast. It's all in the breathing." He put his hand over mine again, raising the gun. "Hold it firmly, don't grip it." I met his eyes as he cocked the gun, then looked back at the target. His other hand came around, resting on my hip and pressing me even tighter against him."Breathe in. Focus. Breathe out. Squeeze gently." I pulled the trigger, cause a bullet to hit one of the weevil targets. I smiled. I could feel Jack's eyes on me. I looked up at him, now noticing the close proximity between us.

"This wasn't about me learning to shoot was it?" He turned me around, putting the gun down on the table and putting his hands on my waist. 

"Maybe not entirely." 

"You lied to me."

"No I didn't. You did need to learn." His eyes flicked down to my lips.

"Yeah, I'll teach you something."  I stood on my toes, leaning in and pressing my lips to  his, just barely. He tried to deepen the kiss, but each time I pulled away, until he eventually grabbed me, wrapping both arms around my waist. I put my hands on his face, kissing him back. In the thousands of years we'd known each other, we'd never done this...But if felt as if we'd done it a thousand times over. I pulled away, leaning my forehead against his. "Definitely worth the wait, don't you think?"

"I wish there hadn't been one but yeah...worth it." I smiled, putting my hands on his warm chest.

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