Chapter Fourteen: Resisting The Urge To Shoot

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The others went back to what they were doing, but I decided to follow Ianto. Something was wrong, I could tell. When I found him, I couldn't see him, but I heard him talking to someone.

"Was it an accident? Tell me you didn't do this."

"I wanted to repay him for helping me. By removing the weaknesses of his humanity." A woman's voice said. There's only one race I know that talks like that.

"What have you done?! You've  killed an innocent man?!" I covered my mouth with my hand. Oh, Ianto, what have you gotten yourself into?

"It's all right-"

"It's not all right! They're gonna come looking for me in a minute! If they see the body, if they find out what we've been doing..."

"I can deal with them." She said.

"Don't you go near them! You didn't mean to do this. Something's happened to your mind. Um..J-J-Just, um...some kind of side effect from this whole process. It's post traumatic. You didn't mean...YOU'VE RUINED EVERYTHING NOW! How hard have we had to work to keep you alive? and now you do this. I need you to stay in here. Rest. Don't come out unless I tell you. This can't happen again, Lisa. If you harm anyone else, I'll..."

"Yes. What will you do?"

"Ok...the body. I've got to deal with the body. I can do this." I heard him crying, so decided to reveal myself.

"Ianto..." He turned around, terrified.

"Diane! I can...I can explain-"

"No need. I heard it all."

"You don't understand!"

"I understand enough." I told him. "This is dangerous, Ianto!"

"I love her!"

"She's not a her anymore! She's a cyberman!"

"DON'T TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT!" he shoved me and I fell back, hitting my head on the floor. I struggled to maintain consciousness until the darkness clouded my vision, and I slowly faded out...


"Power's draining to the store room at the bottom of the building." Tosh told us. "Looking for human heat signals. We've got..."

"Three signals." Owen said.

"So assuming two are Ianto and Diane, who's the other?"

"I assume we're under attack. Security's been breached. We assume battle protocols." I instructed.

"That's impossible! Nobody can get in without triggering seven separate alarms!' Tosh told us.

"Yeah, well looks like our system needs to be upgraded." (Ha ha, upgraded, cyberman. Ha.)

"I'll head down and look for Ianto and Diane."

"I'll come with you." Gwen and Owen volunteered.

"You alright with that?" Owen asked me.

"Keep your coms open at all times. Any doubts, shoot first. Priority is to find Ianto and Diane."


"Progress report?"

"Signs of activity at the end of the main corridor." Static filled my ear.

"We're losing your com signals."

"We're going in to have a look." Gwen added.

"Whatever that power source is, it's interfering with the coms."

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