Chapter Fifteen: Isn't That What Love Is?

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We made our way back to the main room.

"Tosh, get everything from the weapons room, fast as you can." Jack commanded, putting Owen down.

"It's locked down, there's no manual override."

"Just open the store! On your knees. Hands above your head!" Jack forced Ianto down.

"Jack for Goodness sake what are you doing?!"

"TOSH, I GAVE YOU AN ORDER! Gwen, help her!"

"Is that necessary?" I asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"He brought that monster in here and almost got you killed! I would say that counts as necessary. You hid a cyberman within Torchwood, and you didn't tell us! What else are you keeping from us!?" He glared at jack.

"Like you care. I clean up your crap, no questions asked, and that's the way you like it. When did you last ask me anything about my life like Diane?" I pulled Jack's gun down gently.

"Her name is Lisa...I got that part. Why did you bring her here?" I asked.

"She's my girlfriend."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Gwen asked. "We could have helped you."

"Torchwood exists to destroy alien threats. Why would I tell you about her?"

"A little loyalty, perhaps?" Owen offered, now awake.

"My loyalty's to her. She worked for Torchwood. She was caught up in battle. I owe it to Lisa, we owe it to her, to find a cure."

"Ianto..." I got down on my knees in front of him, "I'm sorry, but there is no cure. There never will be a cure. If you're can't go back."

"Your girlfriend can't be the exception." Jack spat.

"You can't know that for sure."

"Look, you need to know what's happening here, because this is where these things start. Small decisions that become mass slaughter. These creatures regain a foothold by exploiting human weakness. Then they take a base, rebuild their forces, and before you know it, the cyber race is spreading out across the universe, erasing worlds, Assimilating populations. All because of the tiny beginnings here. We need to stop her. Together!" Ianto stood up, nearly knocking me over in the process.

"You're not listening to me. The conversion was never completed!"

"She already tried to kill Diane. You think she's gonna stop there? There is no turning back for her now!"

"I'm not giving up on her. I love her. Can't you understand that, Jack? Haven't you ever loved anyone?" Jack hesitated.

"You need to figure out whose side you're on here. Because if you don't know, you're not going to make it out of this alive." He looked down at me. "You'd best figure it out too." I stood up.

"There's no way this weapon's store's going to open."

"It's going to take six hours for the power to come back online."

"Let me talk to her. I can still save her. Save all of us. She's not a monster." We heard a mechanic whirring noise and turned to see her standing there. he started over to her.

"Ianto!" Gwen called. I followed him. "Diane, no!"

"'s me."

"You can't just let them go-"

"Shh." Jack instructed.

"The army will be rebuilt from here. This building is suitable."

"Who are you?" I asked.

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