Chapter Four: Torchwood

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          After taking care of the weevil, we sped back to Headquarters and took care of the Porter's information.

   "I have a feeling that that isn't the last we'll be seeing of that cop." I said as Jack leaned against the desk.

   "Why do you say that?"

  "I don't know. I just have a feeling about it." I looked down at the notebook I was writing in, my hair falling over my face. I froze as Jack tucked it behind my ear, but I didn't look up. "Um..."


 "Jack? Diane?" Tosh called. I looked away from him.


 "Um...It's the woman from the hospital. She's been out there for hours. She left for a bit after she followed us, but then she came back."

 "Should we get rid of 'er?" Owen inquired.

 "No..." Jack said,"let's see if she can find a way in."

 "We're going to be here for a while. Owen, order a pizza."

 "You got it boss."


"She's at the front entrance. She's got the Pizza. Must've seen the motorcycle."

 "Ok, when she comes in, everybody ignore her. Pretend you don't see her." Jack instructed. I sat at the desk, rifling through some papers. Jack went upstairs to spy through the other door. She came through the gate and observed us. Jack walked across the bridge and down the stairs, over to the desk. He muttered nothing in particular in my ear, and pointed to a spot on the paper. I nodded and wrote nothing in particular down.She slowly walked towards the office. That's when Tosh started laughing and Owen followed.

 "I can't do this, I'm sorry. I'm rubbish! I give up!'

 "Owen!" I said, smiling slightly.

 "He set me off!"

 "Well that lasted Not-point-two seconds!' Suzie said. from her welding table.

 "Mm, she's actually carrying pizza."

 "Come on, she was gonna say 'here's your pizza.' and I was gonna say 'how much.' and she says 'Oh, whatever, twenty-quid' and I say'oh, I don't have any money.' I was working on a punchline. I woulda got there. It would've been good."

   "Here's your pizza, I think I better go." She stated.

 "I think we're past that now. I mean, you followed us here, you ran searches on both of us, coming up blank of course. Just to be honest you wouldn't have done all of that work and then just leave, so...Hi, I'm Diane." I rambled.

 "You must've been freezing out there. How long were you walking around, three hours?"

 "You could see me?"


 "And before we go any further, who the heck orders pizza under the name of 'Torchwood'?" Jack asked. 

 "Yeah, that would be me." I walked over to him and smacked him on the back of the head.

"I could sue you for that!"

 "Just try." I snapped.

 "That man at the hospital, That Porter. What happened to him? That was real, wasn't it? He was attacked?" I nodded. 

 "Yeah, he was attacked...he's dead."

 "But there's no one missing." 

"We took the body, retrospectively changed the work rota, planted a false witness who saw him leaving the hospital, giving him an alibi for the next forty-eight hours, giving him an alibi so when his body is pulled out of the docks next Tuesday night, he's only been missing for three days." Tosh explained. I looked down at my feet. I don't like this. Not at all.

     "He was murdered."


 "And you covered it up."

    "That's her job." I explained" I don't like this anymore than you do, believe me, but, that's what we do around here."

    "And that other man? John Tucker? Last night in the alleyway, I saw you."

 "And what did you see?"

 "Out in the alleyway. You revived him." 

 "No." I said, walking forward. "What did you see?"

 "You resuscitated him."

 "No. What did you see?" Jack asked.

 "You brought him back to life."


 "Who are you?" She asked. Jack nodded.


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