Chapter Three:If We Could Die

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        "Night Diane." Tosh said as she slung her bag over her shoulder.

        "Goodnight." Everyone left, and I leaned against my desk, sighing. Jack came over and stood next to me.

        "You ok?" I ran a hand through my hair.

     "I guess...Can I ask you something?"

 "You just did." I shot him a look.

   "Do you ever think about it? What it'd be like to die if we could?"


 "I think...I think I would kill myself if I had the chance." He moved so that he was standing in front of me.

   "Don't say that."

 "It's the truth, Jack.  I'm...I'm tired of this. I don't know how the Doctor and Katherine do it." He put his hands on my shoulders.

   "Don't say that. Please, just don't." I sighed.

 "Fine. That doesn't make it any less true though."

 "Come here." He dragged me deep into the compound, back to his bedroom. He pushed me down onto the bed.

 "What are you doing?" He sat behind me and his hands found the hem of my shirt."Jack, what are you doing?!" He peeled it off, leaving my in my tank-top. I started rubbing my shoulders. I closed my eyes.

   "You're really tense. You need to...loosen up every once in a while."

 "I don't 'loosen up'. Not anymore at least."

   "You should. Let me take you out for a drink. Maybe you would Loosen up if your inhibitions were lowered."

   "No thanks. I've never been a big drinker anyways." I tried to focus on the floor, and not his skin against mine. Slowly, his hands started moving further down my back, then up again, until eventually, he was just rubbing his palm up and down against my back. I could feel his breath against my neck. His nose brushed against the back of my head."Well, thanks for the back rub but I' tired so I'm gonna go to bed now, bye!" I said quickly getting up and leaving. I went to my own room and shut the door behind me, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I like Jack...I really do...but the problem is, I can't tell if he likes me. It's kind of hard to tell when he flirts with everything that has a pulse. I tugged at my hair, crawling into bed, and slowly falling asleep.

By the time I woke up in the morning, everyone was showing up to work.

    "Mornin' Boss." Owen greeted.

    "Good Morning..."Jack sat at the desk.

  "Morning." He greeted, smiling at me.


 "Um, guys..." Tosh said," we've got a weevil at a hospital." I nodded, grabbing my log book and marking it down. I'd been keeping track of all of the weevils that surface. You never know when we'll need it.

  "Ok, let's go."

 "You guys go ahead." Jack added. I nodded and we grabbed our gear and took off.


              "But those people last night, those people in the car, who are they? What's Torchwood?" I asked as we responded to the pub brawl.

      "Dunno. Special Ops."

    "Yeah, but what does that mean?" 

 'Bet you ten quid they're DNA specialists. It's all DNA these days. Like that CSI Bullocks. CSI Cardiff, I'd like to see that. They'd be measuring the velocity of a kebab." Men punched each other, and broken bottle shards littered the floor."Thank you very much, break it up!"I attempted to pull a couple of guys apart only to be thrown aside, falling to the floor and banging my head on a support beam.


 "Ow..." I winced as the Doctor finished up my head. I walked down the hallway, poking through my hair when I saw it. A grey, civil war style coat with gold buttons. The man from last night.  I bolted up the stairs after him. He was gone by the time I reached the top. There was plastic covering a door with yellow and black caution tape. A door opened below me and I saw a Porter."Excuse me, sorry. It's all sealed off up here, who did that?"

   "I thought it was you lot."

 "But what's it for, what happened?" I asked him.

"I don't know. Nine O'clock this mornin' it was all sealed off, they never said. Chemicals or something." I ducked my head through the plastic and stepped into the hallway.

"Hello?" A man stepped out of a door."Sorry, I'm just looking for someone." I walked towards the man."Yeah right clever. Anyway, I don't know if you saw a man come through here? A tall man? in one of those big sort of military coats?" I now saw that this man didn't look like a man at all. "Ok...if you could answer this is official business." I started to walk towards him again."You ok? That's good. That's a good mask sort of thing. Look, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something but...I think we can stop this now, ok? It's all very well playing silly buggers, but I'm busy, alright? Now I'm lookin' for a man in a big grey coat. I said we can stop being silly." The man growled and the plastic crinkled.It was the Porter.

  "Ma'am. There you are. I did ask when I saw Dr. Mahib, 'cause I thought it was him who said about the police, but he said no. And then I said about the chemicals and he said 'Don't be stupid, what chemicals?' so I don't know, could be anything. Who've you got with you there then? So much for sealing it off. Ooh, there's a face. Nice one. Hey I tell you mate, you should try plastic surgery. Not on the NHS mind. You alright?" The Porter stood beside me.

   "Yeah." I replied, not looking away from the man that I'm not so sure is a man.

  "That is brilliant. That's like uh...Hellraiser. That's first class that is. Look at that." He put his hand near it's mouth."It's just like real teeth." It grabbed his head, wrenching it to the side and biting his neck. A group of people attacked it, including the man and woman from last night. The woman approached me.

  "Get out of here!"I looked at her. "GO! NOW!" She pushed me down the hallway and went back to the others. What in the world just happened?

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