Chapter Six: Interruptions and Death Threats

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           The three of us sat in a pub, Gwen and I seated on either side of jack as she gulped down her beer.

           "The thing is, I just don't understand-"

"No, I'll tell you what I don't understand. You're gonna rattle on with that 'how can this be true' kind of shtick. What's it gonna take for you people?" Jack told her.

         "You want proof of aliens, how about that giant spaceship covering the whole of London on Christmas morning? What about the battle of Canary Wharf? Or the time we almost started World War Three because of aliens? No one seems to recall that one!" I added.

    "My boyfriend said it's like a sort of terrorism. They put drugs in the water supply."

   "Well you're boyfriend's stupid." Jack told her.

   "Oh, you've met him then?" He laughed.

    "The only drug around here is the human instinct to justify everything, even if it's right in front of them."

    " catch aliens?"


   "You catch aliens for a living?" She repeated.

 "What better way to live, right?" I said sarcastically, taking another large gulp of alcohol. I'm not a big alcohol drinker, but I don't know...tonight, I feel like a need it.

  "Caught any good aliens."

 "Tons of 'em."

   "That's a heck of a job."

  "Isn't it?"

  "This is so weird." She stated. "And who are you two then?"

"Captain Jack Harkness."

 "Dianne Scott."

"I did some research. There's no Dianne Scott, and only one Captain Jack Harkness on the record, and he disappeared in 1941."

  "Well, that couldn't be me." he told her."Could it?"

 "We don't just catch the aliens, we scavenge the things they leave behind, and use it to arm the human race for the future." 

  "The twenty-first century is when it all changes, and you've gotta be ready."

 "But whose in charge of you, the government?" She asked.

 "We're separate from the government, outside the police, beyond the United Nations." No...our organization is built in the honor of two names. The Doctor and Katherine Greene."Cause, if one power got ahold of this stuff, they could use it for their own purposes."

 "But so could you."

 "All alien technology stays on the base. no one's allowed to take anything outside."


     "So go on then. How in the heck did you two end up in Cardiff?" She asked.

   "This is Torchwood three. London, that's one, was destroyed in the battle. Two, in Glasgow, three, Cardiff. We kind of lost Torchwood four, but it should pop up sooner or later." I slurred.

    "So you just fancied Cardiff?"

 "Time rift running right through the city. That's where stuff comes from." Jack turned to me, and I lifted my glass to my lips and took it away.

 "I think you're done. You're drunk, and you've never been drunk in your life."


After being told about the amnesia pill, Gwen took off running to write it down or something. 

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