Chapter Two: Just a Normal Day

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I sat at my desk, trying to log how many Weevil's had been caught in the last week or so. Tosh and Owen sat at their computers, Suzy worked on the resurrection glove, as she often did, and Jack was leaning on my desk, watching me.

"Ok, nothing about what I'm doing is interesting enough for you to stare as long as you are. Do I have something on my face, or have I sprouted a third eyeball or something?" I asked him.

"I can't help it. There's a stunningly gorgeous woman that's distracting me." he said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes. Jack had been flirting with me since I met him. But, that's all it was: Flirting. He didn't like me like that. I was more like his boss than anything else.

"Well then go talk to her, or better yet can't you go and find something productive to do?"

"We've got a murder. Perfect opportunity to test out the glove." Tosh called from her computer. I looked at Jack.

"There you go. Something productive." He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of my seat.

"Calm down, Harkness. I'm going as fast as I can." I warned. He stopped, leaning down and pressing his lips to my ear.


"Flirt. Come on! Load up guys!" I instructed, hitting Jack in the face with my hair and walking out to the car. "We've got work to do."


We drove the car through the heavy rain and flashing police lights. We climbed out into the rain. We unloaded the equipment, ignoring the gaping, onlooking cops in their neon coats. The rain soaked through the thin shirt I was wearing, tangling my hair into a wet, stringy mop. Jack rambled on about Estrogen in the water cycle or something like that, and I suddenly became very aware of the police officer watching us from the top of the parking garage.

"Jack, shush. How's it going?" I asked, crouching down beside Suzy, who had the glove on.

"Nothing yet. It's gotta connect, I've just gotta feel it."

"Then hurry up and feel it. I'm freezing my bum off." Owen said.

"Owen, I've got no bloody coat and I'm doing just fine,so suck it up and stop your moaning."

"Oh, oh, oh."

"Positions." Jack commanded.

"If I get punched again, I'm punching it right back.'

"Yeah, you do that." I said sarcastically."Shut up and concentrate. Suzy."She placed her hands behind the man's head and the rain stopped. The man opened his eyes, breathing heavily.

"There was...there was...I was...Oh my gosh am I dead?! I was going home!"

"Listen to me," Tosh started, "we've only got two minutes so it's important that you listen, ok?"

"Who are you?"

"Trust me. You're dead." I rubbed the back of my neck. I can tell right now that's not gonna work. He gets to be alive for two more minutes, he's not gonna want to spend it telling us who killed him.

"How am I dead?"

"You were stabbed."

"I'm not dead, I can see you." He argued.

"We brought you back but we haven't got long. I'm sorry but you've got to concentrate, who did this to you, what did you see?"

"Why am I dead?"

"Who attacked you?"

"I don't want to be dead." Speak for yourself. I felt Jack's eyes on me. I looked up at him, then back down at the man.

"Sixty seconds." Suzy warned.

"You've got to think, just focus on me. Now what's the last thing you saw?"

"I didn't see anything. I don't know."

"Who killed you? Did you see them?"

"I don't know," he repeated,"there was something behind me."

"Police said one stab wound in the back."

"So you didn't see anything?" Tosh asked.


"What happens now?"

"Thirty seconds."

"But, he didn't see anything." I crouched down and took his hand. Smiling at him.

"Hi. I'm Diane. What's your name?" I asked.

 "John. John Tucker."

 "Ok John,"Jack added,"not long now."

 'Who are you?"

 "Captain Jack Harkness. Tell me, what was it like when you died? What did you see? John, tell me what you saw."

"Ten seconds."

 "I saw...I can't's just..." he died before we could hear the answer. It started raining.

 "Crap. I said it was stupid telling him he was dead."

 "Well you try it." Tosh snapped.

 "Trust me, that's not gonna work."

 "Then keep your mouth shut." I told him."I don't know...maybe there just...isn't a right way to do it.  What do you think?" I looked up at the cop in the parking garage above us, and smirked as she ducked away.

 "Whoa, was she there the whole time?" Owen asked.


 "Is that bad?" Tosh questioned. I shook my head.

"I don't think so. It'll be fine."


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