Chapter Sixteen: Way To Go

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When we arrived outside, Tosh ran up to us.

"It worked! What happened to-"

"Don't." Jack warned. Ianto came forward, punching Jack in the face.

"Ianto!" I pulled him back, but he shoved me, knocking me to the ground.

"YOU COULD HAVE SAVED HER! BOTH OF YOU! YOU'RE WORSE THAN ANYTHING LOCKED UP DOWN THERE! One day, I'll have the chance to save one of you...and I'll watch you suffer and die.

"IT WAS THE ONLY THING THAT WOULD STOP HER!" Jack went for him, but Owen held him back, Gwen holding Ianto.

"Listen, when I was at reception, I managed to trip the lockdown timer. The power should be coming back on any second, we can get back in." Ianto took off running.

"IANTO!' I hopped up, running after him. "IANTO STOP!'

"She can't have survived that attack." I grabbed his jacket but he elbowed me in the face, knocking me back into Jack with blood pouring from my nose.

"I used my initiative, I'm sorry!' Tosh yelled.

"When I want you to think for yourself, I'll tell you!"

"Maybe if you'd told me your plan, I wouldn't have done it!" We ran in to see Ianto aiming a gun at us.

"Ianto, don't be stupid!" Gwen begged.

"I've nothing left to lose."

"There's always something left to lose." Jack told him.

"I'm going back in to save her. If anyone tries to stop me, I'll shoot them."

"Ianto put the gun down!" Jack took the gun, slamming Ianto against the wall. and pointing his at his head.

"You make a threat like that, you better be prepared to follow it through. See? You disobey me now, I really will shoot you."


"You wanna go back in there? You go in to finish the job. If she's still alive, you execute her." he turned Ianto to face him.

"No way."

"Jack, stop." I told him.

"You brought this down on us. You hid her. You hid yourself from us. Now it's time for you to stand as part of the team."

"Jack." I put a hand on his arm.

"The girl you loved has gone. Your loyalty is to us now."

"You can't order me to do that."

"You execute her, or I'll execute you both."

"STOP IT!" I yelled.

"I won't do it. You can't make me. You like to think you're a hero, but you're the biggest monster of all." I reached forward, grabbing the barrel of the gun and lowering it.

"I'm giving you ten minutes. Then we're coming in. Pick It up." He did so, walking down the corridor.

"How could you ask him-"

"I don't need your opinion!" He shouted at me.

"Too bad! Pull yourself together! Look at yourself, you're a monster! This isn't you!"

"How would you know?! You've been gone for three months." I scoffed, shaking my head.

"Not mad, huh? Spoken like a true sixteen-year-old girl. I'm going after him."

"You can't do that-"

"YOU CAN'T ASK HIM TO KILL SOMEONE HE LOVES!" I shoved him, taking off down the corridor. The hub was trashed, and Ianto was nowhere in sight. They must be downstairs. I rushed down to the basement,

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Lisa!" I saw Lisa, not the cyberwoman, but in the body of a pizza delivery girl. I stepped up, taking Ianto's hand.

"I'm sorry, Ianto. I'm so sorry. I can do it..." I told her. He nodded, his forehead leaned against my shoulder, and I lifted the gun, firing through the center of her forehead. She fell back on to the conversion unit, just as the others came downstairs. Ianto glared at Jack, falling to his knees between the two bodies. I turned to the others.

"We're done here. Everyone go home. We'll sort everything out in the morning." I walked into the corridor.

"Diane...Diane!" Jack grabbed my arm, yanking me back.

"Don't touch me. I don't know who you are."

"You left her to the Pterodactyl just like I did!"

"There's a difference between necessary and barbaric!" I shouted back. "You were going to force him to kill the woman he loved! That's too far, Jack!"

"It had to be done-"

"NOT LIKE THAT!" I screamed. "A true leader does do what needs to be done as efficiently as possible for the sake of protecting those around him. A leader does not do something this cruel. I don't know what happened to you while I was gone, but I can assure you that if this is you? I don't want any part of it." 


Gwen and I watched as Ianto showed up to work the next morning. I nodded at him, letting him know all was forgiven.

"You wouldn't have shot him. Not really."

"Wouldn't I?" I asked.

"You didn't shoot Diane when she went to stand next to him. Will he stay? All that deception...because he couldn't bear to live without her. Have you ever loved anyone that much?"

"I have...but after last night, she won't even look at me."

"She just needs some time. Show her that what happened last night isn't who you are. Last night...when she had a hold of you, I thought for a moment that you could die. So did she. You should have seen her face."

"You wanna know a secret? So did I. And just for a second there I felt so...alive. The way that Diane makes me feel." I watched as she came out and started helping Ianto clean up. "I can't lose her, Gwen. I've loved her, about since the moment I met her. I can't lose her now."

"Why don't you tell her that?" she asked.

"I would, I've she'd talk to me."

"Tell her not to talk then. Tell her to just listen." I nodded.

"I think I will." I walked down the stairs, standing beside her.

"Can I talk to you?"

"No." She replied, not looking at me. I sighed, grabbing her arm and dragging her to the office. "Let go of me! Jack!"

"If you don't want to talk to me, fine. Just listen."

"I don't care what you have to say, Jack!" She yelled. "You want to talk fine. I'll tell you something. Last night, the you that I terrified me. I haven't seen anger like that since the Daleks. Last night, the Jack that I knew disappeared and was replaced with some bloody monster."


"Just shut up for a second. What would you have done, if it was me?" She bit her lip. "Hmm? If I were in her position...what would you have done."

"Giving yourself a lot of credit there." I said. She scoffed.

"Wow, ok. For a second, I thought you were coming to apologize. You just solidified my decision for me."

"What decision?" I asked.

"You and I are done, Jack Harkness. Co-workers, fine. Friends? Not likely but still possible. But I will never be anything more than that to you ever again. Do you hear me? Ever." She left the room, bumping my shoulder as she left. I tried to talk to her, and ended up saying something stupid and losing her forever.

Way to go, Jack. Way to go.

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