Episode 2: Near Death Experience

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Scene 1

[Catz house]

Ollie (shouting): That's totally unfair!

Ollie smacked her hand down on the coffee table. Then she crossed her arms and leaned back on the couch where they were all sitting in front of the TV.

Nellie: She was pretty tough, but she couldn't beat us! It was so cool. We finally got some action!

Princess (seriously): Fighting is a responsibility and a privilege, and 'cool' should not be used to describe it. You were fortunate you did not get hurt badly. As for you two (looking at Ollie and Penny), there will be many more opportunities. This is surely not the last we will see of our enemies.

Carter's neck was a little red and Nellie had a few scratches from fighting with Racine. Nellie stopped talking, but Carter laughed at Ollie's angry expression as he picked up the newspaper off the table. Penny pretended to cry as Nellie patted her on the back.

Nellie: Yeah, don't worry; you'll get your chance.

Carter: It wasn't too bad for our first fight.

Ollie (disgruntled): I thought our first battle would be all of us together not split up like this!

Scene 2

[A dark place] Four pairs of feet were only visible by a small amount of light from a crack in the ceiling.

Kira-Kira: I can't believe it! Racine was useless! Who were those two catz?

Yoji: I underestimated them, whoever they were.

She stamped her feet down and her anklets clanged together.

Yuiishi: We don't know, yet, but it's my turn now. I'm sure Chase will do a much better job.

A guy stretched out his legs.

Reiko [stroking his leg with hers]: I'm sure he will. The Queen will be pleased.

Yoji: Racine was just a prototype. At least now we have learned who our enemies are.

The others yawned and sighed.

Yuiishi: You'll get many more chances since you are the Queen's favorite.

Yoji smiled. Yuiishi got up and was ready to go get Chase, but he turned back and looked at the other three.

Yuiishi: We'll get rid of those catz today. They won't be ruining anything more of ours.

Scene 3

[Catz house]

Carter (yelling): Hey, turn off the TV!

Nellie did so as Carter flipped to the back of the newspaper.

Penny (whining): But, I really wanted to see that music video!

Penny grabbed for the remote, but Carter started to read aloud.

Carter: Many people have been strangely disappearing for the past week. Local authorities have found the missing persons in the old cemetery dead and buried with tombstones...

Nellie (interrupting): That place is spooky. I've passed by there a couple of times, and I get the chills even thinking about it.

Carter (clearing his throat): The police department reported that no convicts have escaped recently. They are trying to figure out who the murderer could be. So far, no one is suspected of the crimes. If the police don't hurry, the cemetery may be teeming with new headstones. The doctors at the local hospital have examined the cadavers and have found that they've died of a natural death, although many of the bodies were that of children.

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