Episode 11: Zodiac Quandary

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Scene 1

[Volleyball courts in the park during the afternoon] Shelby, the waitress from Flower River Café was playing volleyball by herself. Penny ran over to her.

Penny: Hey! I'm Penny. Aren't you Shelby?

Shelby held onto the ball.

Shelby: Yeah, you ate at the cafe with three other people on the day with the weird plant problem. Want to play?

Penny: Sure!

Penny got to the other side of the net. Shelby served the ball and hit it over the bushes, down to the parking lot.

Shelby: Sorry!

Penny put her hand up.

Penny: It's okay. I'll go down and get it.

Shelby waited behind the net for Penny as Christy came up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. Shelby screamed out of surprise and turned around.

Shelby: Who are you?

Christy: No time for questions.

Christy's Sagittarius tattoo glowed and took the gray diamond out from Shelby without a sound. Shelby was pretty good at volleyball; her first serve was just a warm up.

Christy: The wrong one again! Oh well, at least I can try out my new skills.

Scene 2

Christy threw her into the side bushes along with her diamond and waited for her partner to come up. Penny ran back up with the volleyball in her hand, feeling a strange sensation.

Penny: Hey, where's Shelby? You!

Christy frowned at her.

Christy: You again! Today is your day.

Penny (determined): What did you do with Shelby?

Christy: She had to go, but I'll play with you. Let's see what other skills you have.

Penny: I should look for Shelby but I can't pass up a chance to beat her.

Penny smacked the ball to Christy, and Christy spiked it down. Penny's face fell first into the sand as she missed the ball. Christy snickered as Penny rubbed off the sand from her face.

Christy: I guess you're not as good at volleyball as you think you are.

With that, Penny was now more serious than ever. At one point, the ball was going back and forth and the two girls were getting tired so they stopped. They sat down next to each other.

Christy: You have a lot of great talents.

Penny: Thanks. (Pausing) Wait a minute.

Christy looked at Penny and her Gemini tattoo glowed. Penny noticed Shelby lying unconscious in the bushes.

Scene 3

[Basketball courts, late afternoon] Carter was shooting some hoops. He could see the volleyball courts from down there. He saw Penny sitting down. He waved up at her.

Carter: Hey Penny!

Then he saw Christy and a bright glow.

Carter: Who's that? (yelling) Hey, watch out!

Penny got up and walked over to Shelby to check if she was okay, as Christy followed her with her glowing tattoo. Penny heard some yells from across the courts and saw Carter waving his hands in the air from the basketball courts. She heard what he said so she turned back, also sensing something odd, and the Gemini glow was coming after her. She held onto it and pushed it back with all her might, but it kept pushing against her force. Christy laughed.

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