Episode 7: Annie Anemia

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Scene 1

[Dark place] Kira Kira sent away her latest monster. She folded her arms and turned towards Yoji, with one finger on her chin. Yoji looked at her and sat up on a banister.

Yoji: You seem quite confident.

Kira Kira: This one will do well. The queen will be pleased.

Yoji: She'll make quite a mess.

Kira Kira: Let's see if the catz can handle her. I predict many fatalities.

Yoji: They do have doctors up there you know.

Kira Kira: But they cannot cure the dead.

Kira Kira and Yoji both laughed evilly.

Scene 2

[Night out on the street] A girl with golden brown hair had a sweater on with a bloodstain that had ANEMIA scribbled on it. She walked down the streets carrying beautiful glass bottles containing colorful powders. She passed by a group of punks outside a tattoo parlor talking.

Annie: So many victims; so little time.

Then she passed by two Goth girls sitting on the steps of a dilapidated house and stopped, looking at how sallow their skin was. Her body was facing the street but her head turned toward them.

Annie: Are you two anemic?

One of the girls looked at her.

Meighan (sarcastically): Yeah, we are.

Her friend just rolled her eyes and laughed. Annie laughed as well and put her hands in her pockets.

Annie: You don't even know the beginning of being anemic.

Carrie: What did you say?

Meighan: Was that a threat?

With that, Annie took out her dagger and slashed Carrie's arm. Crimson blood gushed out of her pale skin. Carrie held her arm in pain while Meighan put her hand on Carrie's shoulders. Ollie's ears perked up from inside the tattoo parlor and she looked outside through the window.

Meighan: You're crazy!

Meighan picked up her friend and started to run as Annie stepped closer. Ollie stepped out and blocked her way.

Scene 3

Meighan: We better get to the hospital fast.

Annie (to Ollie): No need to interfere, I'm finished with them.

Annie smiled as she rubbed her crimson hands together.

Annie (yelling after them): Hey, that's what you asked for.

The girls looked back at her as if she was a freak and ran faster. Annie put her bloody dagger back in her pocket.

Ollie: Should I call the police? Is she an enemy or just a regular criminal?

Annie started to walk away from Ollie.

Ollie: Wait! You can't just go around and stab people.

Annie slowly turned around at her and crossed her arms.

Annie: I can do whatever I please.

Ollie ran towards her and tried to trip her. She failed so she started punching towards her face. Annie dodged her easily and took out a bottle of blue powder from her pocket. She started to attack Ollie, and Ollie just barely missed her punches. While Ollie's mouth was open as she avoided the attacks, Annie opened the bottle and threw the contents in Ollie's mouth. Ollie choked. She grabbed her throat and tried to spit it out, but they were slowing running down her tongue and into her throat. Annie closed the bottle back and walked away as Ollie struggled on the ground.

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