Episode 10: All the Right Signs

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Scene 1

[Catz house at night] Ollie and Carter had come back home from the park. Ollie was carrying a soccer ball. Penny was in the kitchen getting dinner ready. Nellie came in several minutes later after Ollie went to the kitchen to feed Princess. Carter reluctantly turned away from the smells of the kitchen to face Nellie.

Carter: Where were you? Hurry up so we can eat dinner, especially me!

Nellie took off her bag and jacket slowly.

Carter (irritated): You're doing that on purpose.

Nellie: Carter, you only think about eating and girls. Didn't you just get back home as well?

Carter looked away as Nellie laughed at him. He went over to help Ollie set up the table as Nellie started talking.

Nellie: You guys remember Brett right? Isn't he dreamy?

Ollie was setting the silverware.

Ollie: Eh, we don't have the same taste. Well, maybe on rare occasions.

Carter: No, he's not.

Nellie: I wasn't asking you.

Nellie took the napkins and placed them around the table. Carter was already sitting down at his seat, ready to eat.

Nellie: Well, he asked me out tonight. That's why I'm late.

She was all dreamy-eyed then looked at Ollie.

Nellie: Oh, I got some stuff for you.

Nellie grabbed her bag, which was on the floor in the dining room, and took out the incense burner and pointing bones and handed it over to Ollie, who dropped the forks down and grabbed for it.

Ollie: Wow, these are so cool! Hey, I've seen these before.

Ollie walked over to the living room and brought over a witch book, flipping the pages.

Ollie: Yeah, these are called pointing bones! You aim it at your enemy and it follows them wherever they go, killing him eventually. Where did you get this stuff?

Nellie: Oh, there was an enemy in the park.

Ollie: Cool, I can start a collection on stuff left over from villains!

Ollie carried the stuff upstairs.

Penny (shouting from the kitchen): Dinner is ready!

Carter held his fork and spoon impatiently as Penny picked up the pot from the stove.

Penny (shouting from the kitchen): I could use a little help here. You know, the more you help me, the faster we could eat.

Carter: Oh.

Carter ran into the kitchen and carried the rice bowl into the room. Nellie held the door open for Penny who was behind him. Then Carter sat down, grabbed the pot of food from Penny, poured out a lot into his plate and started chomping down. Nellie rolled her eyes. Ollie came back downstairs.

Ollie (to Carter): You couldn't wait a few seconds for me?

Carter (mumbling): No.

Nellie rolled her eyes again as Ollie sighed.

Nellie: So, who's turn is it doing rounds tonight?

Penny: Mine.

Ollie: But you also cooked today.

Penny: That's okay; I'm not tired.

Carter (with a full mouth): I'm going to have a good night sleep after this meal!

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