Episode 12: First Date

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Scene 1

[Catz house at night]

Penny: So, did you ask her out on a date?

She looked at Carter as they got home from their volleyball game with Shelby.

Carter: Actually, she asked me out.

Penny: See, I told you so. I thought she liked you. So where are you two going?

Carter: I don't know. I'll meet her at 8, tomorrow night. She says it's a surprise.

Penny: Oh. Are you going to tell Nellie about it?

Carter sat on the sofa and put the volleyball down.

Carter: Are you kidding? She's never going to stop bugging me about it. 'Ooh la la! Carter's got a girlfriend!' You know how childish she can be!

Penny: Yeah, you're right. She can be very childish, even though she's the oldest out of us four. Where is she anyway? And Ollie?

Carter turned on the TV and went to the kitchen to grab some snacks.

Carter: They're probably out shopping.

Scene 2

[Catz house, the next night] Carter sat on the sofa with Ollie. Ollie looked over at Princess, who was going into the kitty litter box.

Ollie: So I hear you're going out on a date with Shelby...

Carter: Oh no, Penny told you.

Ollie: Don't worry about me. But just wait till Nellie finds out.

Carter: Don't tell me you told her.

Ollie: No, I barely saw her today. I think she went out with that one guy again.

Ollie went into the kitchen to feed Princess. Carter glanced at his watch, which read 7:45 pm, and grabbed his jacket.

Carter (yelling): I'll see you later!

Ollie [from the kitchen]: Bye!

[Bus stop] Shelby was waiting.

Shelby: Carter!

She waved at him and he ran over.

Carter: So what's the surprise?

Shelby: You'll see.

They took the bus down to Windows High, the school Carter and Nellie would be attending in the fall.

Carter: What are we doing here? I thought it was closed for the summer.

Shelby knocked on the door and a teenager opened it.

Danny: Hey, Shelby. Come in.

Shelby: Hey Danny. This is Carter. Carter, Danny.

Danny and Carter shook hands. Then Shelby led Carter to a seat in the middle of the auditorium.

Shelby: They have a nice auditorium here. Every Sunday during the summer, one of the students brings a film for everyone to watch.

They sat down and noticed a girl walking around looking for something.

Carter: Do lots of other people come here too?

Shelby: Yeah, all the time, but I've never seen her before. I guess she's new.

Shelby held Carter's hand on the armrest between them. Some other couples were there too, waiting for the movie to start. The girl that Shelby and Carter saw among the aisles was in the front now blocking the screen at the bottom.

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