Episode 3: The Chase Continues

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Scene 6

[Early morning at catz house] Ollie and Penny both woke up from a good night's sleep after their first battle. Downstairs at the breakfast table, Princess was already eating some cat food.

Penny: So how should we reward ourselves for a job well done?

She skipped to the kitchen. Ollie grabbed a bowl but put it back.

Ollie: Why don't we go get some breakfast and shop?

Penny: Okay, but what about Carter and Nellie?

Ollie grabbed her bag and put her wallet in it.

Ollie: They're still sleeping. They'll be mad if we wake them up. Come on, we'll just go.

Scene 7

[Afternoon at catz house] Ollie and Penny came in carrying shopping bags. Ollie dropped the bags on the floor and sat down on the couch. Penny looked on the coffee table at the mail.

Penny: Hey, what's this? It has no return address.

Ollie got up and looked over at Penny.

Ollie: Well, open it.

Penny ripped open the letter.

Penny: 'I'm back and I know who you are. No one can ever beat...'

Ollie looked at her confused.

Ollie: Beat whom?

Penny turned pale in the face and gulped.

Penny: '...Chase and get away with it.'

Ollie fell onto the couch shocked.

Ollie: So we didn't kill him! But we can still keep the stuff that we bought, right?

Penny: Never mind that! Chase is still alive and he wants to meet us at the cemetery tonight.

She put the letter down.

Ollie: What? Let me see that.

Ollie got up and Penny handed her the letter. She took it.

Ollie: I could have sworn that we killed him! Well, let's finish the job before it gets dark. It's only Chase! If we beat him once, we can do it again!

Penny: But I really don't understand how he came back. I thought I slashed him with that sickle.

Ollie grabbed her jacket.

Ollie: You did! Well, we better get going.

Penny: Wait. Let me write a note to Nellie and Carter.

She scribbled a few words on a notepad.

Penny: Okay, let's go.

Scene 8

[Sunset on the road] As the two cousins walked into the cemetery, they looked around for any signs of Chase. A dark figure floated behind Ollie while Ollie peered into Chase's grave.

Ollie (unsurprised): It's empty...

Penny started to mumble something as she stared wide-eyed pointing in Ollie's direction. Ollie gulped and turned back slowly. The Grim Reaper faced her holding the same sickle Chase had.

Chase: Chase is back!

[Alkaline Trio's "Armageddon" plays in background] Before Ollie could react, the Grim Reaper sliced through Ollie's body, forcing her back. She hit the back of her head on a headstone and fell into Chase's open grave. Penny tried to pull herself together while looking back and forth at the grave and Chase. She looked down at Ollie's dead body inside the dirty grave.

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