Episode 6: No shots for me, please

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Scene 1

[Catz house in the morning] Ollie practiced some karate moves in her room as she sang along to one of her CDs. Nellie knocked on the door and came in. Ollie stopped.

Ollie: Wow, you're up early for once, but I didn't say you could come in.

Nellie: Is that how you talk to your elders?

Ollie: You only beat me by a few minutes.

Nellie: Never mind, what are you doing? We have to go to the veterinarian and pet shop today, remember?

Ollie: Oh, okay, yeah let's go.

She walked over to her nightstand and turned off her boom box then followed Nellie out the door.

Scene 2

[Veterinary hospital at noon] Nellie and Ollie waited in line to make an appointment for Princess, who was their "pet". As they sat in the waiting room, they noticed a cute little girl, Ally, with her pet dog, Ralph. Nellie petted Ralph as he licked her hand.

Nellie: What a cute dog!

But Ollie didn't really like dogs, so she just sat away from them. The secretary looked down at the sign in sheet.

Secretary: Ally and Ralph?

Ally: Here.

Secretary: You may go in now to room 4.

Ally and Ralph waved at Nellie then entered the door as it buzzed. Ollie and Nellie sat there impatiently.

Ollie: Don't you think it's weird that she's here by herself? Where are her parents?

Nellie: That's none of our business. Anyway, it seems safe here.

The secretary looked down at the sign in sheet again.

Secretary: Elinor for Princess?

Nellie: That's me.

Nellie and Ollie walked to the secretary to talk but heard a scream inside. They looked around quickly at everyone in the waiting room but no one seemed to have heard anything.

Nellie: What was that?

The secretary looked up.

Secretary: What was what?

Nellie shook her head and hit her ears.

Nellie (nervously): Oh, I'm probably just hearing things. That was a little girl's scream.

Ollie: I definitely heard it too.

Secretary: Okay, when would you like to schedule your appointment?

Nellie: Anytime before school starts would be fine, so before late August.

Secretary: How about next Tuesday at 5?

Nellie: That's fine.

The secretary handed her a reminder card but Nellie and Ollie didn't leave. They went through the door when the secretary wasn't looking and followed the direction of the scream. Inside they saw the vet holding a gray diamond and a shot. Ralph was barking but the vet just threw him against the wall.

Nellie: You can't do that to a poor little girl and her dog!

Ollie: No wonder animals don't like going to the vet!

Nellie (agitated): Ollie, obviously she's not a real vet!

Nellie zoomed across and kneed the fake vet in the stomach knocking the things out of her hands. The vet fell backwards. Ollie caught the diamond but the shot fell to the floor and liquid spilled out. Ollie jumped up on a chair but Nellie was stuck to the floor by the ooze.

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