Episode 14: Birds and the Bees

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Scene 1

[Dark place, greenhouse]

Reiko: Sabrina was useless!

The boy looked around at the flowers as a bee flew around.

Yuiishi: Well, just try again.

The girl held the boy's hand with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Reiko: I just don't get it! They do so well in the beginning, but when those catz show up, they fail!

The boy looked at her and lifted up her chin.

Yuiishi: We'll just have to try harder.

The girl smiled sweetly.

Reiko: Okay, and to think I almost wanted to give up.

The bee landed on a lily and became a teenage girl who jumped around anxiously.

Yuiishi: Good thing you changed your mind.

The girl continued to jump around as she waited for her instructions.

Reiko: Oh, just go get those catz!

Brittany dashed out of the greenhouse in search of the catz. The boy rubbed her arms.

Yuiishi: You're so stressed. Don't worry about it.

The girl looked at the guy lovingly but then remembered something.

Reiko: Oh no! I told Brittany to go after the catz! She's supposed to go after the right diamond!

In the hallway, Kira Kira and Yoji were eavesdropping. Both had their arms crossed and were leaning on the walls.

Kira Kira: How come she gets two chances in a row?

The other guy shrugged and leaned against the wall.

Yoji: Oh, just let her have it; it's not like she's going to succeed anyway. Then you'll get your chance.

Kira Kira: I better.

Scene 2

[Catz house at dinnertime] Ollie came back home. Carter was already eating dinner.

Ollie: Where are Nellie and Penny? How come you didn't wait for us to eat?

Carter: I was too hungry. Anyway, I don't know where they are. They were in the garden earlier. I guess they went to the movies.

Ollie sighed and went out into the garden to take a look at what Nellie and Penny did to it. A bee flew around her and she ran inside, shutting the door.

Carter: What's wrong?

Ollie shivered as she grabbed a bowl from the sink.

Ollie: There's a bee outside in our garden.

Carter got up to get a soda.

Carter: How can you be scared of a little bee?

Outside, Brittany peeped around over people's fences.

Brittany: Got to find those catz!

Scene 3

[The next morning] Brittany skipped around the block in search of the catz. A pretty girl named Lisa was sitting on a bench outside of the park looking at herself in the mirror.

Brittany: Ooh, maybe it's her!

A bee flew around Lisa, and Lisa shooed it away without looking. The bee stung her and fell to the ground dead.

Lisa: Ouch! Oh no, my beautiful skin! It's going to swell up and turn red! Stupid bee!

Brittany jumped in front of her.

Brittany: Do you need some help?

Lisa looked at her in disgust.

Lisa: No! Go away, you freak!

Brittany shrugged her shoulders.

Brittany: Well, at least I offered to help. I was being...

Renee, the girl from the greenhouse, motioned to Brittany and pulled her aside into the trees while Lisa was rubbing her arm.

Renee: I made a mistake. You're not after the catz; you're after...

She whispered in her ears.

Renee: Now finish her off.

Brittany (smiling): Oh, I see! I'll do a good job!

Renee rolled her eyes and disappeared. Lisa was fretting over her bee sting but Brittany used one of her lilies to grab into Lisa's chest. The lily landed on the ground and opened up to reveal another gray diamond. Lisa fainted on the bench.

Brittany: Oh no, is that the right one? It looks close to it!

Scene 4

[Park bench] Brittany couldn't figure out if Lisa's diamond was the right one or not. Renee reappeared and hit the back of Brittany's head, then touched her own forehead because she was getting a headache.

Renee: It's gray, so it's the wrong one! Try again and don't forget if you see those catz...

Brittany: But it's close to it.

Renee (sighing): That's not good enough! Don't forget to destroy the catz!

Brittany nodded in agreement and jumped around in front of the bench. Renee spotted Carter walking down the street.

Renee: Hey, I've seen him before somewhere.

But Cameron, the guy who was with her earlier, pulled her away and they both disappeared. Carter saw Lisa lying on the bench and Brittany jumping around in front of her. It didn't take him long to figure out what was going on.

Carter: Chubby Cat Power!

Brittany jumped up and down happily.

Brittany: I found one of the catz!

Chubby Cat (frowning): This is too easy.

Brittany stopped jumping for a moment.

Brittany: And what's that supposed to mean? Just because I'm happy and carefree, doesn't mean I'm easy to defeat! I could beat you up!

Chubby Cat: Yeah right.

He was ready to fight. Brittany was steamed and she released bees and lilies after him. Chubby Cat pushed the lilies out of the way and tried to ignore the bees, so that they wouldn't get mad and sting him.

Brittany: Why aren't they stinging you?

Chubby Cat smiled and released fire at Brittany but she sucked it up with a lily.

Chubby Cat: I underestimated you.

He tried again but this time Brittany blocked it with a hoard of bees. They burned away. More came in their place and they were enraged! They started towards Chubby Cat but he acted fast. He jumped up to a tree and grabbed a beehive. He leaped off, throwing the beehive in her face. She fell to the floor and tried to get up, but the beehive broke during the impact and poured honey all over her. The bees, regular and her own, started to attack Brittany and killed her. The lily wilted away. Carter picked up the gray diamond and returned to Lisa.

Scene 5

[Park bench] Carter sat next to Lisa as she woke up.

Carter: Hey, are you okay?

Lisa rubbed her eyes.

Lisa: The last thing I could remember was that a bee stung me.

She looked at her hand and nothing was there. Carter took a hold of her hand. Lisa blushed.

Carter: I guess you were just daydreaming. Nothing's there. Everything looks fine.

Lisa: Thanks.

Carter: Want to go get something to eat?

Lisa (smiling): I'd love to.

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