Episode 5: Flower Girl

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Scene 1

[Catz house in the early morning] The four had just received letters of acceptance from Boulevard and Windows High, two public schools not far from their home, in the mail. They opened them up.

Carter (sighing): Why do we have to go to school?

Nellie: I guess that's another problem being a human.

She looked at herself in the mirror.

Nellie: Where are we going Penny?

Penny opened the front door and held it for the others.

Penny: Well, Carter is making us treat you two to breakfast at the Flower River Café to pay you back for that incident with Chase.

Ollie picked up her bag and went through the door first.

Ollie: You better not order too much food, Carter! We're not rich you know! One week's allowance is the limit!

Carter grinned evilly and followed her out the door with Nellie behind him.

Scene 2

[Flower River Café] The four sat at the corner table closer to the windows.

Carter: Wow, I want everything. It all just sounds so good.

Ollie [hitting his head with her menu]: You shouldn't make us waste all our money on one meal, especially not breakfast.

Carter frowned and nodded but lit up again.

Carter: Lunch or dinner next time.

Penny: There won't be a next time.

Before Ollie could hit him again, Nellie elbowed Carter.

Nellie: Hey, that girl over there keeps looking at you.

The three of them looked over at the girl at the counter, who immediately looked away.

Nellie (whispering): Don't look at her all at once!

They all turned away except for Carter. He got up but Nellie pulled on his clothes. Carter did not sit back down though.

Nellie: What are you doing?

Carter: Going over there to talk to her.

Ollie: You're brave.

Penny: Or stupid.

Carter went over to the counter and flirted with the girl, but she looked bored. She played with her plant, which was right in front of her, and pressed the star pin that was in the center of it. The flower burst out of the pot and dug into Carter's chest, pulling out a red diamond. The girl he was flirting with disappeared. Nellie was the first one to scream. Carter did not even let out a sound.

All the other customers and the workers of the shop screamed and ran away out of fright. Nellie jumped over the tables and chairs to Carter and knocked the plant to the floor, but its roots broke and dug into the tiles and cement, pulling Nellie down along with it. Penny and Ollie grabbed onto the hanging lamps, swinging from it to kick the plant backwards, but the plant was immovable and turned into a girl, a flower girl.

Carter lay on the floor with blank eyes as the flower girl swallowed the diamond.

Penny and Ollie: No, Carter!

Scene 3

They jumped down. Ollie flipped under the flower girl while Penny flipped over it, about to do a roundhouse kick on the ground and in the air respectively, but the flower girl pulled them both down by their legs with her roots. Nellie was struggling in the tiles.

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