Chapter 7

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Pain stabbed badly as Skyler tried to walk, taking slow baby steps towards her bed until she reached for it and did it without her crutches. These days she had spent mostly of her time in the room as their wasn't anything left to see, do or maybe..feel. The room was quiet, very well dressed and it's solitary spare parts of the past rushed in as she reached for the box of biscuits. Jefferson, the first thing she saw and immediately relived her fears, failed expectations and insecurity perpharps just like people had phobia for dogs, clowns or whatsoever hers was Jefferson phobia and she wondered why she got so scared of him and had this in gut feeling that the Jefferson story was not yet over. How ironic it was that the only thing that took away her fears was now the one thing she feared the most.
Now she got scared of every noise, every sound and every silence it was like a reminder that somehow something was cooking which was now very evident with the strange flowers and all that. As time went on Skyler was self aware enough to realize that the whole everything had taken a toll on her and twisted not just her legs but as well her mind set. Maybe Brittany was right maybe she needed a time out. Maybe she needed to go out to some place that would remind her she was living in a world, surely she couldn't let Jefferson take her entire breathe away by stealing the remaining flair she had for life and yeah she could remember that was the trait of a narcissist. They don't want you and they don't want to with anyone else. Crazy right? The whole thing made Skyler realize a lot persons were walking on the streets normally but were not actually normal just like how Jefferson camouflaged his insanity with the appearance of a responsible young man She had heard stories of narcissism and had somehat information about it and now she encountered one. Young but smart enough to understand when the relationship was getting bad for her and she ran for her dear life. Hates every moment spent with him, hated every kiss and now she had to spend the rest of her life hating herself.
Still soaked in regretful thoughts her phone buzzed disaligning her from her thooughts. She jerked unnoticeably and picked up her phone it was a video call from Brittany with the flick of smile on her face she tapped on the green button and Brittany's face appeared. It appeared she was in the park.
"Heyyy girl" Brittany cheered as a smile escaped from Skyler's lips.
"What're you up there down there?" Brittany asked. She was walking  therefore phone wobbled a little.
"I'm not the one having the outdoor experience? " Skyler chuckled.
" I'm in Norwegian park" Brittany giggled. "And meeehhhn there  are tons of cute guys here."
Skyler smiled. "Is that so? Made any choice yet?"  She teased.
" you know I'm polygamous by nature" Brittany shrugged. "I like mine all at once"
"Now please remind me why we're friends again?" Skyler hissed making Brittany chuckle.
"Why stick with one when you can have all?" Brittany shrugged and went on and on to narrate her day  then Skyler decided to take a tour at the background with her eyes while she listened to Brittany's endless stories. The place was exactly what Brittany defined it as, fun or maybe even more. She had seen more than 3 dogs, made her wonder if it was a dog park plus healthy trees that motioned to the wind, it was a place Skyler categorized as the thinking spot.
After her observation she spotted a man in front of a food truck from quite a distance whose face she couldn't see because he backed Brittany. He was putting on sleeves and plain trousers, his muscles could easily be seen from the sleeves, must have been a physically fit and strong person. Normally she would have looked away because he was just like every other normal human being in the park. She couldn't really make out much of what she saw from a distance but one thing was striking he had a familiar physique.... that of Jefferson's  she dimmed her eyes to make a clear picture of what she assumed in her head
He turned slowly giving Skyler the chance to see him from the side view and then turned back again. Of course Skyler recognized that side face wasn't sure but wasn't delusional too, fear gripped her. He was in front of the food truck for a while looking at something maybe his phone? Skyler didn't know then slowly turned his face directly to Brittany's direction, had his eyes fixed on ...? Skyler couldn't fathom as the distance was far to tell what or who he was looking at. He put a phone against his ear and made a quick call, folding his sleeves he walked out of sight. Skyler froze for a while trying to put one or two together in her head. If her presumptuous were true she couldn't understand whether it was just a coincidence or .... he was actually following Brittany? more like keeping track of everyone that she was close to
Was it just Brittany? Skyler asked herself series of unanswerable questions and to the best of her ability she tried to solve the mystery right there but couldn't come to a reasonable, rational conclusion. She heaved a sighed trying to gaslight herself into believing that it was just her fears playing out in reality. Still floundering in thoughts Brittany's voice threw her off.
"I'm still here" Skyler mumbled with a sigh.
" Are you okay?" Brittany probed as she observed the change in Skyler's countenance.
Skyler hissed. "Just a little sick that's all"
"Sick? Brittany creased a frown.
"Britt? Skyler rubbed her forehead."I'll call you later okay?" With that Skyler hung up before Brittany could even have a chance to say anything. Skyler breathed heavily as she ran her right hand through her hair. Two things were certain, either she was crazy or she was right one had to be true.
The flowers, the letter... the man
Sounded like puzzle pieces to her.

Is it getting any better 🌚??

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