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"You're shitting me right now" Brittany stood akimbo.
" I can swear I saw Jefferson" Skyler sighed as her hands ran through her hair.
"Why would Jefferson be following me? Brittany shrugged fighting the urge to tell Skyler she was getting crazy.
"I don't know, maybe he's keeping track of people that are connected to me?"
Brittany sighed unsure if she could keep up with Skyler's delusions. "You really need a time out" Brittany nodded.
Skyler looked across room annoyed that Brittany wasn't getting anything. "Okay how do you explain the lilacs and the letters? Skyler shrugged.
"I don't know" Brittany threw her hands in the air." Let's say Jefferson is out there okay, let's say he sent those flowers but come on no one has made any reasonable explanation out of it" Brittany held Skyler's shoulder." Not even you so-
" so I'm crazy? Skyler interrupted, annoyed.
"Not that all I'm saying is ever since you had this accident it's being about Jefferson" Brittany hissed." You stay indoors all day and hardly say fun things." Brittany breathed heavily." It's like Jefferson has taken away everything that makes you Skyler. Just what if it wasn't Jefferson? I mean everyone in this world have someone they look like." Brittany's voice dropped.
" when was the last time you laughed hard? Brittany asked. When was the last time you went for a party? You look like a living mess. Brittany shook her head
"Hmmm" Skyler exhaled and that was all she could do.
"When last did you go out on a date? Brittany pouted as Skyler threw her a look.
"Can we not-
" Skyler we have to" Brittany rubbed Skyler's arm Jefferson's taking away the best of you."
Maybe... Skyler thought to herself. What if Brittany was right maybe she was just overreacting. Obviously the lilacs and letter stuff was real and it kind of frustrated her that Brittany just seemed to not care about the whole stuff again but just what if she threw away all the sick stuff, her imagination , the man she saw in the video.... the flowers and letters? If she threw that away that would gas lighting herself. Everything just seemed worse than bad especially now that she was the only person that appeared delusional about the whole thing.
"Maybe you're right" Skyler mumbled, cupping Brittany's arm that held hers.
She exhaled and and smiled a little. "I need to live again" she audibly said as a smile escaped from Brittany's lips.
"Yh you do and Jefferson is a scum bag!" Brittany shouted.
Yh" Skyler sighed.
"Come to my place, we're gonna party all night and then we'll go for ice cream, go to the gym and then-
Britt? Skyler threw her a stern stare as she turned. "One at a time."
Brittany smiled sheepishly. "Come to my place?"
"The thought of Spencer there just feels wrong" Skyler grimaced her face.
Brittany rolled her eyes. "You won't even notice he's there trust me."
" you think? " Skyler arched her brows. "That child is a real trouble maker"
"And why are you so concerned if he's going to be there?" Brittany chuckled. " it's his house."
" just that - he's a little... I just- Skyler stuttered unsure of what to say as her eyes ran across the room and met Brittany looking at her intently, probably waiting for her to explain herself. Skyler understood the teasing look tried her best to stifle laughter but failed.
"What's that look for?"
"Wondering why you have issues with seeing Spencer at home. " Brittany cleared her throat."
"Seriously! Skyler slapped her arm as Brittany laughed.
"Didn't say anything" she shrugged, Dusted off imaginery dirt from her thighs and slowly stood up.
"Aeeeend you need to look pretty" Brittany slightly poked her nose." Since you said you're not ready to date at least look pretty for yourself.
"Hmmmm" Skyler exhaled  after a brief silence of consideration, her gaze wandering across the room.

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