We are not a couple! Part II ~Mycroft Holmes~

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As you were sulking internally, Mrs. Homles showed us there family album.
There were pictures of there marriage, and honeymoon.
( I am not sure when the cameras were invented, I ain't good in history)

She showed me baby Mycroft pictures.
"He is so healthy. " You stated, looking at your boss aka friend's old pictures were kinda fun.
" Oh! And look at this he was 5 roaming around in the house in his underwear... Gosh time flies so fast! " Mrs. Homles exclaimed.
"Mom! Stop showing my embarrassing pictures to her. " He was embarrassed.
You covered you mouth with your gloved hand and chuckled at kid Mycroft.

"When Sherlock was born they both usually fight all day on silly topics. " Mr. Homles said.
"Mycroft also believed in tooth fairy till he was 12 years old. " He exclaimed.

You could not stop chuckling at his adorable actions when he was a child.
' how can he be so grumpy now? ' you thought sipping the tea.

Time fled in chit chats and both of you lost the time track, the sky dusked and the shadows got long and hard. The roads were covered with thick sheet of mist.

" I think we should take our leave, don't you think Mycroft? " You asked him.

" Indeed probably " He got up from the sofa. His mother look out through the window.

" Kids it's not safe to travel in night the roads are covered in thick mists, and Mycroft you have you're lover traveling with you, it would be great if you travel in morning? And stay the night here " His mother said in worried tone. You're face got extremely red and steam puffed out off your head due to being called " Mycroft's lover " .

"But we have meetings with several officials-" You were cut off by Mycroft.
" Mother is right it's not safe to travel in thick mist, send the telegrams to official and postponed the meetings. " He ordered.
And you have to agree , you did what he asked for sending telegrams to them for Postponing the meetings.
You saw Mrs. Homles has started preparing the dinner and you thought of helping her out. You approached her
"Let me help you! " You said with soft smile. " Oh no dear, go have some rest " She said. " Please i insist" You said and she approved.
You we're chopping the vegetables.
And you saw Mycroft looking at you for couple of times, but you ignored.


Y/n had her dinner with homles. And his father kept on serving on your plate until you're tummy was full, on the other side Mrs. Homles scolded Mycroft to eat more and gain weight. You did the dishes in end and cleaned the kitchen.

"Um... Mrs. Homles I wanted get fresh " You said, " Oh right! Just go upstairs then left and the first door. " She gave you the direction. And you thanked her.


You twisted the door knob and opened the door at the view of Mycroft being half naked! His lower body was covered by the towel and his hair damp wet.
"I-I AM SO SORRY! " you shouted and closed the door shut.

You sat on your knees covering your face with your hands, blushing hard , heart beats are racing "he looked so attractive... " You whispered to your self.

Mycroft P. O. V
The door got opened and i saw y/n standing their she looked red as a tomato and apologized and closed the door. ' that girl just opened the door at me being half naked. '
I quickly wore my sleep clothes with my robe on. I was bit hesitant if I should call her out but I opened the door and saw her standing there.

" Come in " I let her in and she followed me not looking me in the eye and again mumbled sorry. " It's fine " .

" I asked Mrs. Homles , where I can get freshed up and she said me to open the first door in left.... And I didn't know it was your room " She said.

" Yea, about that we will have to share a room, I told them we are in love for 5 years " I said in bold tone but feeling my heart fuzzy. "Don't you have and spare room!? " She asked.
" No the third floor is rented, you can't also sleep in Sherlocks rooms it's always messy and the spare room we had is turned into store room. And if we sleep in different room they will be Suspeious about us." I informed her and she face palmed herself .

Normal P. O. V
" If you want to change you can go in the bathroom, and don't worry I will sleep on the couch -" He was cut of by her.

" No please don't sleep on couch, I will sleep on the couch. " She said.
"What kind of gentlemen I would be letting a lady sleep on the other couch..., we can share the bed by dividing it " He said.


After your bath you were wearing his mother's night gown, you didn't packed it how could you knew you would staying at his house. You dried you're hair with the help of towel. 'Ugh... This night gown is exposing my cleavage' you were irritated. And you kept you're hand on your chest to cover it up.

You saw Mycroft reading a book and you sat and took the blanket covering you're body you felt warm and cozy and you layed down. He turned of the gasoline lamp layed down " Good night. " You said and he said good night. You fell asleep when you're eye lids started to feel heavy. Cologne of Mycroft felt very relaxing which made you to drift to you're slumber.
' I can't believe that I would be able to take her to my house as my lover, and sleepy next to her. ' he thought.
And you scooted closer to him for his warmth and you cuddled him.

He smiled and wrapped his hands around your body, playing with you're hair strands. As he drift off to sleep.

°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•Please vote! I had fun writing this one shot to be honest

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Please vote! I had fun writing this one shot to be honest. :D

Bonus :
When you are not a good girl, he will grab fist full of your hair and tug on it hard, enough to make you moan for him.

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