CHAPTER 5 | Can I Ask

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I am heartbroken about my call with Kwame. The little hope I had that maybe he got his memory back left out of the window the moment he said goodbye to me but I am not going to lose hope just yet because a miracle can still happen. It's scary to imagine what my life is going to be like without Kwame in my life. All these people inside this house are my family but they are also strangers to me and I'm not going to lie and say I am not scared when I know very well that I am. This is all surreal to me and it feels like I will wake up and realize that it was all just a dream and I'm still at the orphanage.

I walk out of my bedroom and head to the kitchen and I realize that the lights are still on. I wonder why the lights are still on or maybe they are always on and they never get switched off. I open the fridge and pour myself a glass of water then sit down and drink it. I hear the footsteps of someone walking in the house and they sigh deeply like they are exhausted.

I get up, follow the sound, then stand still when I see who it is. It's my father, the man I've only seen in pictures. He takes off his jacket, puts it next to him then sits down and covers his face with his hands. I silently walk back to the kitchen, pour another glass of water, put it on the tray then walk towards him. He looks up when he hears someone coming. He was about to say something but he stopped when he saw it's me.

He slowly stands up, his eyes still on mine. I don't know if I am imagining things or what but I think I see unshed tears in his eyes. He clears his voice then looks up and takes a deep breath. This man is very scary and intimidating. I feel like I want to run away and hide from him but I can't because he's my father and we have to start somewhere to break the ice.
'' you a glass of water. I thought you might like one''
'' I'm sorry I wasn't here to welcome you and your mother''

'' It's okay, everyone else was here''
'' Thank you for the water.'' I put it on the table, he takes it and drinks it. '' Hmmm, I don't think I've ever tasted this kind of water. It is so good. Did you put some sugar in here?''
I smile. '' No, it's just regular water. There's nothing in it.''

'' I think there is and it's better than sugar''
'' Sugar is sweet so i don't think there's anything better than it''
'' I think it's love. The person who gave me this glass of water prepared it with love. Thank you''
'' You're welcome''
'' Have they showed you around the house?''
'' No, I was tired and I asked to get some rest''
'' Ok, let me your father show you around so you can be familiar with it and tomorrow you'll meet all the stuff that works here cause you need to know who they are''
'' Ok, so you believe that I am your daughter? You don't want me to take a dna test to prove that I am?''

'' I know what's mine, I know my blood and my children. If I saw you passing down the street somewhere, I would have known that you are my child, one way or the other. I don't need any DNA tests to confirm that my child.''
'' Thank you for that''
'' This is the happiest day of my life, my child. I am so happy to finally meet you.''
'' I am also happy to be home, with all of you''
'' This is your home and everything that is here is also yours. Do not be afraid to ask for anything you want or need.''
'' I won't sir.''

'' Tomorrow morning when you have woken up, there are people from the bank who will come here for you and your mother to get your things in order. Our lawyer is also going to come because I need you to legally change your name and surname. I don't know if you would like that or you'd like to keep the ones you've been using''

'' I want to change them, I hate them because they remind me of the life I want to forget''
'' Ok, all your documents will be changed''
'' Thank you. How long will I be staying here?''
He cocks his head to the side, takes the glass and finishes it. '' You don't want to live here?'' he sounds hurt.
'' That's not what I'm saying but I'm at the university, my studies''
'' Do you really want us to talk about this now?''
'' Is this about Kwame?''

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