CHAPTER 8 | Sold

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Our eyes lock and she stares at me. I feel my heart skipping a beat and for a moment I let her in so she could see me. The way she says goodbye just scares me because it feels like she's saying it to me like this is the end for us and I'm never going to see her again. I watch her walk out with her brother and I feel like she is taking my heart with her and I do not like that at all. I wipe my forehead then slowly breathe out.

“ Hudson-Odoi, you heard what my daughter said. Do you agree?”
I walk to the center of the room and look at all of them but my eyes are on Eunice, Natasha's sister. I look at Natasha and I understand where Amara is coming from because if Natasha had not done what she did, I wouldn't have met her. Dlamini is balcony and blue. He's naked and you can see he was really beaten up and I'm sure it's Kader who did that.
“ Natasha did hurt Amara but Amara still loves her and she'll always have a special place in her heart. She deserves a second chance to be with her children and raise them”
“ Those are my children! She has no right to go anywhere close to them!” Eunice shouts.

“ Save your words because what is coming at you right now is going to demand a lot of begging from you” Kader quietly says.
“ Natasha, if Kader decides to let you go or not. I think it is fair that you know that Thato is your son. I found proof in your friend's locker. Mrs Dlamini herself. The birth certificate shows that….”.
“ No! Natasha, don't listen to whatever he is going to say. He wants you to hate me!”

“ Why is this woman still talking?” I ask them. One of Kader's men walks to her cell, opens it then puts a duct tape on her mouth.
“ Thato is your son Natasha. There is a recording of your sister and this evil woman confessing  that the babies were exchanged during birth since you were both pregnant at the same time by the same man. Your sister gave birth to a still born baby boy while yours was alive. You passed out after giving birth because you bled too much so your sister paid the nurses to switch the babies and say yours was dead when it wasn't. That's why the birth certificate shows that your baby is dead and hers is alive.

Your sister wanted to get back to you for sleeping with her man while she knew that he always loved you. What your sister did to you is the same thing that was done to Amara's mother but hers is worse. Thato is your son and not hers. Your whole family also knows this.”

Natasha screams, and curses at her sister with all kinds of names under the son.
“ The Dlamini's including their daughter, then you, the mastermind behind everything don't deserve to be because death is far too kind for evil people like you.”
“ I did nothing. I am not responsible for my parents' sins.” The girl defends herself. “ please uncle, I am innocent”
“ The fuck you are! You were living lavishly with the money from Amara's father. He took care of the person he thought was devastated by Mrs Hadid's death while she was the one who orchestrated the whole thing. I hope he throws you in a hole where you will live the rest of your life sad and very lonely with nothing but just your thoughts. I don't care what you do to them Mr Hadid, as long as Amara will never see them again.” it tells her. How dare she think she's innocent in all of this.

“ Thank you Kwame, for everything.”
“ It was my pleasure Mrs Hadid.” 
“ Can I please say something?” Her sister says.
“ No, you have said enough for the past 19 years. You've lied to my family and made them believe I was dead. What you did to your sister, even the devil himself is proud of you because you almost got away with it until I came along. It's your decision what you do to them. I did my job, reunited daughter and mother and to the rest of the family”

“ We will never forget it, Kwame. I'll always be grateful to you. I really meant it” I simply nod and Kader just stares at me. I think he realizes that I have my memory back or was faking the whole thing.
“ You can leave my love. I have business to take care of.” He tells his wife.
She looks at him for a while then nods. He pecks her cheek then my uncle walks her out. I guess he doesn't want her to know what is going to happen next. My uncle comes back and stands next to kader.
“ Chris, you can let them through,” Kader says to his head of security.

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