CHAPTER 11 | I Remember

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I couldn't finish what I wanted to say because he received a call immediately after Maria brought us food. He was outside for a while and he came after I was halfway through my food. He quietly ate his food until he was done. My food rang, it was my older brother and I didn't answer it. I think my mother told him what Omar said to me.

We are in the car when my phone rings again for the hundredth time. I pull it out of my jacket, about to hang up on it when I see my father's name flashing on the screen.

" Babi" daddy.
" My little one. Where are you?"
" I'm on my way to a hotel. I asked Otto to take me there."
He keeps quiet for a while. " Come home"
" I don't want to see Omar…"
" Omar…you're going to spend the night at the hotel?"
" Yes"
" Ok but I want you home tomorrow. Is that understood?"
" Yes dad"
" I love you"
" I love you more"

He hung up after and I sighed. I'm surprised that he didn't command me to immediately head back home after I told him I was spending the night. I guess he's going to want to talk to Omar. I shake my head and look outside the window.

We drive for an hour and half then I see him parking outside the gate of this beautiful house. I look at him.
" This is not where I asked you to take me"
" It's where you need to be" He steps out of the car and walks around the car then opens my door with an umbrella in his hand.
" Why did you bring me here?"
" You'll sleep better here than at the hotel"
" I'm not going to some house that I don't know. Take me to the hotel Otto!" My breathing starts to change. I don't even know who's house is that or what's waiting for me inside there.

" I would never hurt you. Don't you trust me now?" I see hurt in his eyes.
" I don't want to be here. I want to leave!"
" Miss Amara…"
" If you don't take me away from here, I swear I will call my father screaming."
" Can you just listen to me….."
" No!" I can feel my anxiety wanting to take over
"I brought you here because…."

I take out my phone, about to call my father when I hear the gate slowly opening. I look up and tears fill my eyes. I step out of the car and run to him. He lets go of the umbrella and holds me tightly. Tears that I have been holding stream down my face as I breakdown.

" It's okay. Don't cry my love" I cry harder when he says that. " I remember, I remember everything"
" Kwame…"
" It's me, my love. Come, we're getting wet."
I don't let go of him, my hands and kegs are tightly wrapped around him. He walks us to the house until he opens the door.
" Do you want to let go?" I shake my head no. His neck is so warm. He chuckles.

He turns us around. " Thanks for bringing her here, Otto"
" She has to be home tomorrow…"
" I'll go home when I'm ready and want to"
" Amara…Otto could be in trouble for bringing you here to me" 
" Who's house is this?" I asked Kwame.
" A friend's house. I asked to stay for a couple of days"
" Does it have a cottage?"
" Yes it does"

I shift my head and look at Otto. " You're my bodyguard and you go where I go and stay. You'll stay here with us until I'm ready to go home. There's a cottage so you'll stay there"
" Hudson…"
" Thank you for this big favor. I owe you"
He shakes his head then walks out of the house.
" Let's get you out of these wet clothes before you catch a cold"


After talking to her on the phone, I knew I had to fly to London and see her, hold her again and tell her how much I love her because I couldn't stay away from her more than I already did. It was too much, very hard and Msizi put some sense into me when he asked me if it was enough and when I heard her voice, I knew I had to come.

Convincing Kader's right hand man who's now her bodyguard to let me see her, bring her to me came at a hefty price because no one betrays Kader. No one at all but I had to do it and show him all the things I had on him so I could see Amara again and do something for him to have her next to me because Kader won't hesitate to kill Otto if he ever finds out. I walk inside the bedroom then stop.

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