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I have been trying to call Kwame but the call is taking me straight to voicemail. I hang up and look at my mother. She's wiping her tears. I sit next to her and link out fingers. 

" He knows that we're alive and hopefully he will tell his father. Maybe they will come with Kwame since he doesn't believe that it's actually you he was talking with" 

" He's your father too, Amara. I wasn't prepared to see him. He looks so grown up and very much like your father." She says crying. 

" Do you really think he believes that we are alive?" 

" He was shocked to see me but I do believe he still remembers what his mother looks like. Or at least what I used to call him when it was just us." 

" I'm sure it was hard on them to continue living without you in their lives" I wish I had known what it's like to have both parents raise me with the rest of my siblings. To be loved by them unconditionally. I have never had that and I don't know what it's like or how it's supposed to feel. At least they had them both and experienced their parents' love. 

She looks up and cups my cheek. " Oh baby, it might have been hard but I'm sure my sister made them feel like they didn't need me or miss me like that. I'm sure she made sure that she's always there for them for anything. She played a motherly role to them and replaced me like I never existed. Was it hard? Maybe even though they have never lacked anything." She shifts and faces me. 

" The only person who has had a hard life is you, my love. Your siblings wouldn't last a day in your shoes. They could never imagine the kind of painful life you have lived. You deserve all the love and attention from us and I promise you from this forward. You will never suffer. The life you have lived is over, I am here now and I'll make sure that I protect you with all my life. You're my number one priority now and that's all that matters." I lay my head on her shoulder and close my eyes.

" I held you in my arms when you were born. I kissed your cheeks and forehead when they placed you on my arms, on my chest and I got to feel you. I Met the person I was carrying for nine months and I cried tears of joy. I told you I loved you, you gave me a little smile then they took you to clean you up. 

That was one of the happiest days of my life. While I was at the hospital, I would visit that memory over and over again. It gave me comfort in a way and I thought you're looking down on me from the heavens telling me not to give up. To hang in there and that someday. Everything is going to be okay."

We both choke up and cry. " Everything is okay now, mama. Right?" 

" Of course it is. Your mother is here. Whatever we face, we'll face it together." I nod. 

" I love you. I have always loved you. Don't ever doubt that or forget it. Do you understand me?" 

" I do. I love you too" she kisses my forehead. My heart is healing a little. I know I should be over the moon but I can't. Kwame is not here and he's not answering his phone. God I hope he's okay. 

" Don't worry about him. He's going to come back to you"

" I hope so too" 

" Tell me about him" a smile forms on my lips. I hide my face on her chest. She laughs. 

" Mom…" I say shyly. God where would I even start. 

" Ok, we'll talk about him some other time then. Let's go and make some t… " 

Someone knocks on the door.  

" Come in," mom says. 

The door opens and Majid peeks inside. 

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