CHAPTER 26 | Price To Pay

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I wait for the pain on my body or face to hit me but it doesn't. Instead I feel something splashing on my face and it smells. I open my eyes and I see my father walking towards me then he engulfs me in his arms. I am literally shaking, I hide my face on his chest and try to talk but words are not coming out. I can hear him talking to me but I can’t make out the words he is saying. I hear my brother’s voice shouting then I feel being picked up and taken away from the kitchen.

My father opens the door and I hear my mom’s voice speaking fast and crying. He puts me on the bed and I look at my mother and my sister is standing next to her, she looks freaked out.

“Mama, why are you crying?”

“You almost got kidnapped at your own home. What the hell is going on, Michael!”

“I’m going to get to the bottom of this and there’ll be hell to pay!”

I have never seen my father this angry. He walks out, I get up and take off the gown and wipe my face.

“Are you okay?” my sister asked.

“Yeah I am, I’m just shocked. Did gogo and mkhulu hear what was happening?”

“Yes, your father asked them to stay in their room. It was your screaming that woke us up. My God I was so scared.” She hugs me.

“What happened and who is there?” my mother asked

“I woke up because I had this headache and I wanted to drink something. Then I got in the kitchen and there’s this funny smell of something. I thought something could be burning in the stove but there was nothing and I checked everything until the smell led me to the door. I opened it and there was this thing burning on the stoep. It freaked me out so I quickly closed the door and locked and when I turned around, Omar’s guard was standing there looking at me. There was this cold look in his eyes and it scared me so I punched him on his throat and between his legs. He fell, I kicked him hard knocking him out then another one walked in with a gun in his hand and pointed at me. I honestly thought he was going to kill me.”

“I am tired of this shit. Your father needs to deal with Omar because this sick obsession with you is getting out of hand and I am sick of it! I am sorry my baby, I’ll make sure your father deals with him.” She says then walks out.

“This is never going to stop, as long as Omar is alive. He’s always going to blame you and this time. He crossed a line. Not only did he make our own grandparents feel unsafe in their home but he had the audacity to disrespect them and try to have his goons kidnap you. Omar needs to die. We need to get rid of him”

I looked at my sister shocked. She can’t be talking like that. “I know you’re angry and I am too but let’s not say something that we will regret sister.”

“I mean it, I vowed that I will never let harm come your way again no matter what. Our brother hates you so much that he would think of doing something like this! No. He needs to die.”

“We are not going to have our brother’s blood in our hands. Omar will get what is coming to him, he can’t get away with it.”

“He almost did, imagine if you didn’t have all that training, what was going to happen to you?”

“Just thinking about it scares me. I know that Omar was very close to our aunt and he was like a mother to him. I’m curious to know what his relationship was like with Sindi?”

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