CHAPTER 7 | 'babi'

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My father doesn't want us to be here but he understands why we need to be here. It's not because we like it but because we want to have closure from the people who hurt us. It is not only my mother and I who my aunt hurt but the whole family and we were the ones who were hurt the most.

I don't know exactly where we are but I know we are still in the yard cause we didn't leave. Nasir just told me to follow him and that's what I'm doing right now. We walk.out of the house and head somewhere that looks like a cottage that is away from the main house. I wonder if it's a guesthouse or something else.

When my father took me on a tour, to see the house, I didn't realise our house was that big. No wonder there are so many housekeepers working inside and outside the house. I wonder if all of them are that or pretending to be because they might be bodyguards or something. A man like my father needs protection all the time and I understand because I did some online investigation and boy, he's not one to be messed with.

One article caught my eye and it was about my mother and I but the journalist wasn't sure because they said it is just rumours that we are back from the dead but nothing concrete since no one has seen us. I was shocked because it has r been 48 hours we have been here and already there's some news about us.

My brother stops walking and looks at me. " Did dad tell you what's going to happen?"
" I say what I want to say then leave. I'm not allowed to stay after."
" He's right. I'll be right next to you so don't be afraid of them. They won't hurt you okay?"
" Okay."
" If you feel like it's too much for you, take my hand and say everything you want to say. They deserve to know how much they ruined your life, okay?"
" Nas?"
He smiles. " Thank you for believing that it's really me and offering me your support."
" You're my little munchkin and I love you very much. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you and I want you to know that you can always count on me for anything. Don't be afraid to come and talk to me okay?"

I nod. I wrap my arms around him, he plants a kiss on my hair then they open the door. We walk inside, take the steps that lead down and continue to walk until the men guarding the door open it for us. We step inside and it's so bright. The first thing that catches my eye is the jail cells inside.

I cover my mouth because I did not expect to see something like this. I know there are people inside like my parents and I guess the people who work for my father. I continue to walk in then see Natasha. She looks like nothing of the sophisticated woman I know. She's a mess. We stare at each other and my heart breaks seeing her like that. I remember there was a time I loved this woman and even called her mom. Tears stream down her face and I shift my eyes away from her and look at Thato's mother.

I don't have the energy to say anything to that woman. Whatever is going to happen to her, she deserves it. I see Sindi, she looks at me, her eyes pleading with me and then I see her mother and her husband locked in separate cages. Nasir has been quietly by my side following me.

I turn around to talk to my father but then I see Kwame at the back. His eyes are looking straight at me, holding mine captive. The way he's looking at me makes me feel like he's looking at someone he loves. I can't explain it but it's like he's my old Kwame. Why is he here because he doesn't remember what happened? It's obvious that my father asked him to come cause he's the one who made all of this happen. His friends are also here so it makes sense. I'm going to miss these guys, especially Collen. I hope Msizi will greet his girl for me.

" Munchkin, you okay?" Nasir whispers at me.
I tear my eyes away from Kwame. " Yeah I am."
" Baby, do you have anything to say to them?" My mother asks me. I look at them and realise that they do not deserve to have my attention more than they did. I look at my father.
" Please let Natasha go"
Nasir looks at me like I have lost my damn mind.
" Amara...." He calls my name.

" I know that maybe you all probably think that I lost my mind but Natasha might have lied and kept things from me but she's the one person who made me feel what it's like to be loved. I know deep down she loved me. She was like a mother to me and I don't want her to die. I think k she deserves a second chance in life again and it will hurt Thato. He really loves her. She didn't have to do all the things she did for me but she did.

She gave me a home when I had none, she clothed me, fed me and protected me from her family and nephew. She was there through the most difficult time in my life and without her, I would have succeeded in killing her myself the second time. Natasha hurt me, she really did and she was one person I thought would never hurt me..." she cries. I hate that she's inside there and looks that way.

" I know there are things she probably did that I don't know about and I am okay with that because I have been through enough and I don't need to know what else she did to me. Babi please let her go." babi means daddy in English. I heard my sister saying that and I asked her what it meant and she told me.

There's no reaction from my father's face but I can see that my mother understands where I am coming from.
" I don't think I can do that, my baby. I know you mean well but..."
" Not a single person was there for me during that time. It was her and Thato. I know that if i didn't meet Thato that day, I wouldn't be here. Perhaps Mr Dlamini would have made me his sex slave like how he wanted and got me pregnant with his kids. Meeting Thato was a blessing and a curse but that woman saved me. She deserves a second chance, babi. If you decide to let her go, she must leave this country and go to her family, her real family that loves her. She knows where they are"

Natasha breaks down and cries. I never thought I would say such words when I walked in here but when I saw her, I got reminded of all the good things she did for me, especially standing up for me against her parents and choosing me over Dan. I will never forget that.
" Is that all you wanted to say?" He asked me.
" That's all"
" Nasir, take your sister back to the house."
I look at Kwame and he's not looking at me but talking to his uncle, my dad's friend.

" Msizi, please greet your girl for me, tell her I will see her and thank you."
" It was my pleasure"
" Kudjoe, Collen, thank you for everything. I will never forget what all of you did, especially you, Kwame. Thank you"
He politely nods. " Is Bab' Rocco here?"
" No, he's at the hotel," Collen answered.
" Ok, I will call him. Goodbye."

I walk out not looking back. I meant what I just said. This was goodbye to me and Kwame. If he ever remembers me then I hope it won't be too late. I just hope I'll be strong enough to hold on to us. What I am going to do now is take my father's advice. Travel the rest of the year then next year enrol at the university of my choice. One thing I am not going to do is not to live my life waiting for Kwame. I'll always love him, no man will ever take his place in my heart and being in a relationship right now after Kwame, is the last thing I want.

I just want to be Amara Hadid and start living my life. Travel the world, get to know my family better and start my foundation with the help of my father. I never want another child or woman to go through what I went through. I need to call Inga and tell her I'm not coming back. Call Ade to meet for lunch tomorrow. I hope they are still in town. I'm going to say goodbye to him cause I won't be seeing him since his brother and I are no longer together.

" Did you really mean what you said about Natasha?" Nasir asks me once we walk in the kitchen.
" I did, Natasha deserves a second chance in life. I know that she loves Thato and Palesa like they are her own. Thato's father also loves her and she loves him. They should be together."
" You really have our mother's heart cause I would have killed all of them"
" What is babi going to do with them?" He smiles.
" I don't know and if I did, I wouldn't tell you but they are going to get what they deserve. Dad is...."

" Is mam who's not to be messed with. Mom told me about how he was before we presumed dead. I googled him and he's very respected"
" Babi changed after our mom's presumed death. He was never the same after that. He worked a lot, did everything to make feel like we didn't lose our mother but it was too much even either auntie Phundie's help"
" You aren't angry about what she did, why?"
" She's dead to me, munchkin and what dad has in store for her is worse than what I would have done."

" Dad doesn't want Kwame in my life because he's just like you and him, isn't it?"
" Your life will.alway be in danger if he's in your life"
" It was before I met him so what would be different now except for that I am Kader's daughter."
" We don't want you in this life, munchkin. You deserve to safe and happy"
" I was born into it Nasir, I can't run away from it because it will find me eventually"

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