CHAPTER 15 | Hayati.

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I look at my son and I am filled with worry and sadness because I blame myself for his behavior and how things have turned out. He’s blaming his sister for all of this and giving his mother a tough time.

“ Didn’t we talk about your behavior and attitude toward your sister?”
He shakes his head. “ She’s not my..”
“ Don’t you fucken test me Omar!”
“ We were happy without them, our family was complete and they had to come and ruin everything for us!”

“ We were never complete, your aunt was the cause of all our unhappiness. If you want to  blame someone,  blame that fucken woman”
“ I still refuse to believe she was capable of that Babi, she loved us, took care of us and she was our mother”
“Because she wanted to take your mother’s place in your lives. Replace her like she never existed and she did manage to do that with you because you were so young when she kidnapped your mother and locked her in that place for years. She manipulated you, all of us into believing that  she wanted what was best for you all”

“ I can’t accept her, I’m sorry but I can’t dad”
“ What does that mean exactly? You’ll treat her like an outsider, not your own flesh and blood?”
“ She means nothing to me, she’s a nobody and she better stay out of my way” This boy is about to get on my last nerve.
“ You know son, I’m trying really hard to understand where the dislike for your sister comes from because she has never done anything wrong to you or met you before. Why do you not like her?”
“ It’s not disliked dad, It’s hate.  I hate her!”

“ Grow the fuck up you silly, spolied, little boy.” He looked at me shocked. “ You say you hate your sister for what? Because she has taken your place as the last born? You don't  get attention from me? Tell me Omar, what is it?”
“ Because my mother is dead because of her! You didn’t need to kill our aunt! You could have just cut her off but not killed her. You have taken away from me the one person who meant everything to me and I will never forgive you. I hate you and I hate that girl!” he turned around and started walking.

“ Omar! Omar! You come back here right now!” He continues to walk out and ignores me. My men try to stop him but I shake my head telling them to let him go and cool off. I take my phone and call Milan and she doesn’t answer my call and that is something that has never happened before. I call Amara next and she tells me she’s going to sleep at the hotel. We talk for a while then hang up. Things seem to be getting worse instead of better. Maphumulo was right. I need therapy and I think the whole family does too, all of us, together. 

I rub my temples because I’m suddenly getting a bad headache. “ Do you have a headache?” my wife's voice gently asked.
“ No….” She cocked her head.  
“ Just a little bit”
“ Let’s go to the kitchen and get you something.” 
I get  up and follow her to the kitchen and watch as she goes through the  cupboard and takes out headache pills. She gives them to  me followed by a glass of water. 
“ Thank you”

She gently nods, then switches on the kettle, takes out two cups and begins to make some tea. She’s silent, I'm watching her and I can't help but feel how distant she is with me. emotionally and physically and that has never happened before with us. She pours the water then takes a seat across from me. 
“ What are we going to do with Omar?”
“ I thought talking to a therapist  would somehow help him but it’s like things are getting worse. I don’t know what to do”
“  I heard him saying all those things, I’m glad Amara wasn’t here to hear them because they would have  really hurt her and she’s already hurt enough”
“I’m sorry you had to hear  what he said but I think it’s his anger and shock that was talking. He loves you my l…and soon he will also love his sister”

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