CHAPTER 13 | Faked It.

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I kissed her cheek then looked at her for a while. She's sleeping soundly, she's exhausted and she needs the rest because ever since she's been here. I haven't stopped touching her, making love to her like how I've been longing. I brush her cheek then walk out closing the door behind me. I head to the living room and stop when I see her sister sitting on the couch. I look at Otto, he shakes his head then walks out and leaves us alone. 

“ Milan” she shifts her head, looking at me then stands up. 
“ Kwame” 
I cock my head and look at her  “ What brought you here so late?” 
“ My sister, what else?” 
“ Your sister is fine, she's sleeping.” 
“ What do you want with her?” 
“ I love Amara.” 
“ Really? You love her then make her sleep out leaving our parents worried? For three days Amara hasn't been home and they are worried about her, I'm also worried about her.” 

There's something about her time when she says she's worried about Amara and I look at her face and sew worry. Something must have happened the last time she saw Amara. 
“ Sit down” 
“ I don't want…..” 
“ I said sit. If you want us to talk you'll sit down and not stand on your feet” 
Her mouth opens, closing then she takes a deep breath.
“ Don't ever use that tone with me. You're not my father or brother to talk to me that way.” 
“ Sit, Milan” 

She clicks her tongue then sits down. I can see some of Amara's stubbornness on her also. 
“ I know you don't like me for whatever particular reason and honestly I don't care but I care about your sister and I love her very much. She's everything to me and I always want her to be happy, safe and protected, so tell me. What happened before she left home?” 
“ What did she say to you?” 
“ I'm asking you what happened Milam. Amara is your little sister that you have met not long ago and I know you know how she grew up and I know that you don't want her to be hurt and you'll do anything to make sure that she's always safe. Tell me what happened”

“ How do I trust you Kwame? That you actually love my sister and want the best for her when you and my father don't get along. You could be doing all of this because you want to hurt my father and so you'll use the one person he loves the most.” 

“ If I wanted to hurt your father and use your sister, I wouldn't have gone out of my way to make sure she finds her family and gets reunited with them. I would have kept it to myself that she was your sister. I couldn't do that because I love her and she deserved to know her family and have them in her life. There's nothing I wouldn't do for that woman” 

“ She's a child, Kwame, she's still a child. She needs to grow up and know many things about life.” 
I chuckle then cross my legs. “ Need to know about life you say?”  I smirk and look at her. “ You have been sheltered all your life you wouldn't last a day if you had to experience what she went through from the day she was born. She knows more about life than all of you could. Her age makes her young but her maturity and personality says otherwise. 

The problem you all have is that you think she's still a child when she's not. Amara had to grow up fast, learn to fend for herself and protect herself from the cruelty of this world. She didn't have the luxury that all her siblings had. Tell me this, Milan. When you were 16, did you have to worry about putting a table behind your door to make sure that no one walked in while you were sleeping?. Did you wear handle downs? Were you denied the opportunity to have friends, go out to the mall and spend time with friends?. Were you locked in your home by your father who made sure that you didn't go anywhere outside the premises? No. You didn't.

You had guards and maids at your disposal. You've never had to worry about what you're going to eat. Sleep with all your clothes on because a percent will walk in and touch you inappropriately while you are sleeping. You had safety and security. Your sister didn't have all of that until I came into her life. It wasn't easy, believe me but I had to prove to her that she could trust me and let me be part of her life. I could never use her for anything because I love her. I'd rather sacrifice many things for her happiness.” 

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