CHAPTER 12 | Jealous

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The voices stopped talking behind the door, then I moved closer to the door to hear if Kwame really left or he's just waiting for me to open the door. I shouldn't have ran out when I saw that girl, I should have waited for an explanation of what was going on.

Why was she in that room? Did she know Kwame was there or was it just a coincidence but Kwame said it was his friend's house and we had it to ourselves for a couple of days so how did this girl walk in and head to the bedroom Kwame was using to shower?. I want answers and she's going to give them to me.

Well I hope she will because I made a fool of myself by running out and maybe she could use that against me. Stupid tears! I hate that I did that but seeing the man you love in that kind of situation with another woman could send anyone into a tailspin especially since he just got his memory back.

I had all these thoughts in my head that perhaps they know each other from before or maybe recently in the two years that I haven't seen him. Maybe she was a fling and she caught feelings and now she was here. Stop it Amara, you're going to drive yourself crazy with all these stupid thoughts.

The only person who will explain who this girl is, is Kwame. I wiped my tears then opened the door. She was walking down the foyer when I cleared my throat so she could notice me. She turned around and there was a smirk on her face. She walked back towards me with her hands folded.

" Men don't like chasing after little girls who throw tantrums when they see something they do not like"
" You weren't supposed to be here, how did you get in?"
She was taken aback about my approach.
" I don't answer to you, little girl. Who I am is none of your damn business or why I am here. The fact is I am here."
" Well then I suggest you go back to where you came from and left us alone. Kwame's friend agreed to let us spend a couple of days here without any interruptions from anyone."
She smirks. " I'm his girlfriend, not just anyone"

I shake my head. " you're definitely not his girlfriend because if you were, you wouldn't have come here. So leave before Kwame calls his friends and tells him that his flavor of the week or month has soared keys to his house without his knowledge."
She stared at each other then she laughed. " Flavor of the month you say? Maybe I should give your…whatever he is to you a taste and maybe he'll end up being my boyfriend because you sweetheart can't handle a man like him" There's something about this woman that I can't put my finger on.

" Oh you think? Let me tell you something miss ' riff raff' my man doesn't dip his dick in just anything that has a p***sy and especially the likes of you.  You wouldn't even touch him with your  pinky finger. What you saw out there is mine and mine alone."
" Hmm, I'm a riff raff? Such disrespect,  little girl." She laughs like she's not offended at all but instead finds it funny. Hmm " I might not be able to touch now maybe but the next time you run out like that he's not going to run after you. He's just going to let you be and if it's not me then it will be someone else who'll be there and ready to…"

" Blah, blah, blah. I'm not interested in what you have to say. I'm giving you five minutes to take whatever you came with and leave. If you don't do that, someone will drag you out of this house"
" Who's house? B**ch that's not your house but my man's house!"
" You heard her, be gone." Kwame says walking out of the bedroom I was in.

I frowned looking at him because he was wet and shaking. The towel around his waist is literally stuck on his body and you can see his dick print. I look up and the girl is ogling him. I stand in front of him and his nakedness.
" Kwame, your girl attacked me, she called me names and she doesn't know me from a bar of soap."
" Just leave and I won't tell Tano that you have his house keys."

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