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I want to speed it up so I am doing a time speed. But to get you guys on board and your questions, Henry's grandpa left and truly never really came back, he left contact with all of them. Alex and Henry are able to show everyone how they love each other without grandpa in the way, Miguel and Anthony are still in the picture. But they are doing good, we are at the New year party now.
We woke up like at 3:40 in the morning are flight is in 40 minutes. We quickly change and go to the private airline, we are all dressed comfy Bea is wearing some sweatpants and a t shirt, Philip is wearing a hoodie with some sweatpants and I am wearing some very lose sweatpants and a hoodie they are both Alex so they a bit big. He likes his sweatpants and hoodies big. "Ah fuck I am ready to sleep" Bea moans Philip is already asleep.
I get my book out and read for a bit, but I get a call.
Hello darling!
Henryyy!! When are you getting here I need you now
Alex we jut got on the plane it will take a big
Ughhhh, well what are you doing?
Nothing just bored
Ahh well I hope I can entertain you
Thanks darling
Why your very welcome your royal highness
Alex I laugh
Whattt? Wait is that my hoodie
Yes it is I found it and I just put it on
You look fucking good
Thank you
Alex stop fantasizing
Alright alright I will behave
We got there around 12 to 1, we got here a day before the New Year party. June and her mom came to pick us up "hello everyone" Ellen says "hi Ms. President" I say "aw Henry stop calling me that" she says I laugh and go in for a hug "sorry Hen Alex was on for a run and we didn't tell him and well he left his phone so he probably mad but oh well" June shrugs I giggle and hug her. Once we're done with our hello's we head to the car and go to the White House, they offer for us to stay at the White House. We get there 40 minutes later and June was right Alex came running and starts yelling "why did you I guys leave with out me" he yells and cry's "Alex he is right here calm down" June rolls her eyes he groans "alright fine I forgive you but don't do it again" he threatens June nods and laugh she bring Philip Bea inside and Pez follows by Bea grabbing his arm tugging him to follow. I go to Henry and hug him smelling he sent, "hey baby" I say "hello darling" he kisses
"I missed you" I say "I missed you too" he says. We break the hug and go inside. June showed them there rooms and showed them around The White House, I am staying Alex's room. Philip is staying with June and Bea and Pez have their own room. We go to the dining room were they were having lunch I sit next to Alex and he serves me, he only does that when he know I haven't ate all day which means he serves me a lot so I can complete those meals I missed, "here you go" Alex says "thank you" I smile we all eat. They made a chicken sandwich with a side of salad, after we finish lunch we all decided to go the to park and ply like twelve year olds. It's something we love to do when we all get together, go to a park fuck around be stupid like if no one is watching when there is millions of people watching.
But we could give to fucks about it, they say nothing we say nothing. The whole world loves how we all act when we are together so why would it matter, we get there after a short while. Ellen came along with us. We got there dropped all belongings and ran to do whatever, Alex loved to race Philip and Bea and June love to sit down and paint and Pez will always read. I helped them choose who won the race. It's always a one time Alex wins and then the next time Philip wins. "Alright who won?" Alex huffs out of breath, Philip's hands on his knees "umm I have to say Philip won this one" I say Philips jumps and runs around. Alex's pouting and crying on the floor like a two year who didn't get a toy he wanted. I laugh and pulled him up, he carry's me and runs around with me in his arms "ALEX PUT ME DOWN" I scream Ellen is looking at us and smiling taking a video. Alex does in fact put me down but spins me and carries me again while doing me I wrap my legs around his waist and hold on his neck for support. We are laughing Alex couldn't keep his balance so we fell we kept laughing I was on top of Alex and he was under me. "I love when you're happy" Alex says I kiss him. "Me too, but sadly can't be happy forever cause it always ends up coming back" I sigh "hey and I will help you get through it all, I will be here when you need me" Alex kiss my temple I smile and nod "together nothing in this stupid world matters remember" Alex says again "together" I whisper my lips meets his. And we stay like that for a few minutes till someone throws a ball at me, I hiss Alex gets up and see it's no one other than Miguel "hey you old fuck what is your problem" Alex screams "my bad it slipped" he grinned Alex's jaw tightened I can see anger build in his eyes "Alex it's okay. It was an accident" I whisper "yeah listen to your royal princess" Miguel laughs. Alex hands made a tight fist and went up to Miguel and slammed him across the face I gasped and run to them "ALEX" I yell. Alex grabs him by the collar and pulls him up "listen you little shit you don't ever fucking talk to Henry like that do you fucking hear me" Alex screams, he pushes him back on the floor and Miguel is sitting on the grass in shock. Alex comes to me and his eyes his whole body softens he put his hands on my chest "you okay baby? Did it hurt?" Alex asks I nod and give a slight smile "I am alright but you shouldn't have done that" I say "I won't let people do shit to you without saying something about it" Alex says. I nod he apologizes "it's okay, come on. Don't let this ruin our day" I say he nods and we walk away Alex goes back to being a little kid with Philip and I go sit with Ellen. "Hey baby" she says I smile "hello" I smile "so what's going on with you these days? We haven't been able to talk cause that son of mine takes you away from me" she chucks I smile and look at him "it's alright, there are days we're I wish I wasn't alive but there are days we're I am so happy and couldn't love life more" I say she makes a sad face and holds my hand I smile "it's so sad how life treats you, no one deserves it" she sighs "I agree no one deserves it but they end up going though it either way" I say she sighs and kisses my hand. "Hey your family may not treat you Philip and Bea like family but we are your family, will always be here for you" she says I smile trying to hide the tears coming in my eyes "Henry Alex didn't tell me much, what truly happened to your family? You guys were a beautiful family" she says I sigh. "Well after dad passed mom went into bad depression, and grandpa took over and truly became a dick to all of us. He uh got Philip to be one of his toys and turned him against me and Bea. Bea went into a bad mental state as well so did I, I want to say Bea had it worse she was a mess she went out many days a week she was hurting herself even tried to kill herself. I had many restless nights I couldn't sleep I also fell into self harming. I was having seizures. Bad anxiety, and no one to talk to I was all alone. Till Shaan saw how bad we were getting and out both of us in therapy, Shaan was the one that stepped up and became the parent cause no one else would. I don't think Bea or me would be here without Shaan, he was a gift that came from heaven that helped us through it all" I say Ellen has a couple of tears roll down her face I wipe them with my thumb and hug her she apologize for it all. He stay like that till Alex comes following with Philip "ma what's wrong?" He is worried it's everywhere on his face "nothing just how sad these babys lived" Ellen says holding Philip and me in her arms. Alex  stands by me and put's his hand on my shoulder and massage my shoulder.
We stay hugging for a good 10 minutes "I promise we will treat you like nothing less" Ellen replies I smile and look and Philip who is also smiling "thank you all for everything" I say "you are my son's boyfriend and Philip is the boyfriend of my daughter and Bea is like a other daughter I never had Pez is like a son I never had" Ellen says "you guys always deserve to be in this family, you were born to be in this family" she say and hugs us again "and Alex fucking Diaz if you break my Henry's heart I will kill you" she warns "ma come on I would never hurt him not even in my sleep, Henry is the love of my life. I can't live a life without him" Alex says I smile and smash our lips together. "Good you little shit" she says "come all of you get in I want to take a picture" she yells.

Alex and Henry's love storyWhere stories live. Discover now