Fred x Reader

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Diagon Alley has always been your hide away place. Whenever you had homework to do you always went to The Three Broomsticks to sip on some Butter Beer while reciting the 12 uses of Dragon's Blood.
"Fancy seeing you here, Y/N"
You continue to ignore him, you're in Slytherin, and you've grown to hate Gryffindor's.
"Come on, don't be like that"
"I'm studying" you say through gritted teeth, "Leave me alone"
Weasley Twin sighs, "Hear me out"
"I know you're a Slytherin and I'm a Gryffindor but-"
"but what?" you interrupt rudely.
"I can't take this"
He immediately cups your face with his hands and presses his lips against yours.
"Um.." you say grabbing your books, "I've got to go"
You run out of the Three Broom Sticks with a red headed beauty following close behind you.

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