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1: PDA
Harry| Harry isn't really the one for PDA. When you guys go out to the mall or for some ice cream, he will hold you hand and kiss you on the cheek every once in a while.
Ron| Ron will sneak a kiss into almost everything you do. If you and him are at a wedding, he will wait for the priest to say 'You May Kiss The Bride' he'll kiss you like you are going to be the next one on that stage ;)
Fred| For being 1/2 of The Prank Kings, he sure is mature for the amount of PDA you both will show. He usually waits until you guys are alone.
George| You guys probably don't have to go to Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, because everywhere you guys go, you are always eating face (see my joke there ? 😂)
Draco| He waits until you guys are at home so he can 'Slytherin' 😂😂

My puns suck but thanks for hopefully staying with me. I know I haven't been updating in forever but I have been having writers block and I'm hoping to get back to the groove of writing. I am going to start a new book about random one-shots from random Youtubers/People from popular book series, etc. so stay tuned ! bye bye my poptarts <3

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