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wow its been a while since ive been in this book! good to see its still here and well.
im so sorry that this is not an update, but i wanted to shamelessly plug some of my other books that ive written real quick!

as for this one, im almost almost finished with the next chapter, i just have to tweak a few things.

the book im focusing on 90% of the time rn is called The Red Age. Its a peter pevensie x eleanor book! ive already finished the story through the first movie, and im 2 chapters into prince caspian! go give it a read if youre interested in a narnian adventure!!

another book im very proud of is my cato hadley fic. it s about a mentor sending in her boyfriend and how their love lasts through a tough time. if you like cato like i do, i encourage you to check it out!

and the last book i think i have published besides this one is my tyler posey/dylan obrien fic i wrote in like 8th grade with my friend ashlyn! ive discontinued it but its a good way to see how much my writing has changed

also i hope everyone is staying healthy and safe! stay inside, wash your hands, and take care of your friends and family!

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