Draco x Stephanie

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"Draco will never like you" Pansy says, "I'm glad you aren't in Slytherin, Half-Blood"

I scoff and walk to the other side of the classroom. Draco invited me to sit next to him, but that was ruined by the oh so famous Pansy Parkinson.

"Just ignore her, Steph" Hermione says, "She's just jealous"

I go through the class with a feeling of longing. I've always liked Draco, and now it's sort of a death sentence. Harry told Ron, Hermione, and I that Draco was working for the Death Eaters. Ron always gets onto me for liking him, and I don't really know how Ron and I's friendship still exists.

I walk out into the hallway, "I'm going to go back to the common room to pick up a book" I tell Hermione. She nods and walks to her next class.

"Draco!" Pansy's shrill voice says. I look over and see Pansy shove her lips onto Draco's. Everyone stares at them, and I can feel my heart slowly ripping in two.

Draco pushes Pansy away and looks at me. He gives me a sad glance and walks away.

I decide to skip History of Magic, I'll get the notes from Hermione later.

"Stephanie wait"

Draco grabs my hand, "Meet me in the Astronomy tower after dinner"
I walk up the cobblestone stairs. The moon is out and it provides the only light. Someone pulls me to the side and crashes their lips onto mine. My eyes are wide open and I can see Draco's face.

I close my eyes and begin to kiss back. We pull away gasping for breath, "Will you be my girlfriend ?" He asks hopefully.

"Of Course"
Hope you liked it :)

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