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so uhm yeah.

i have completley lost inspiration to write this book because of another fandom i've been sucked into.

don't get me wrong, I love HP, but uhm a certain pair of brothers kinda screwed me over.

yeah. supernatural. i watched the first two seasons a while ago. but then last thursday and friday, i watched from the middle of season 2 to the middle of season 5.

someone please spray holy water on me and surround me with salt cause ya know.

so ive decided to write a supernatural preference/imagine book. i really don't know how it's gonna work but i will still edit and publish stuff in this book, just not frequently.

and you know my frequently.

so, thank you to all the readers who have been with this book since day 1 (maybe like day 2 ig but oh whale)

im honestly so grateful that i had your support the entire way through.

so go check the book out. it should be out in about an hour so.

im gonna be doing
dean (daddy)

sammy boi (moose)

adam (someone put him back in camp halfblood, the child is gonna get hurt)

castiel (powerless baby in a trench coat)

and maybe more once i continue watching more seasons. im only on season 5 and almost about to start season 6, so bare with me.

have a gucci day/night/dawn/dusk/afternoon

K so i know i said i would make the supernatural book, buuuut i had soccer playoffs. we lost and im a but bummed so i probably wont edit lmao


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