the end!!

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hey everyone!

i just wanted to say a big thank you to anyone who read, voted, or saved one of my books. it was a little dream my 6th grade self had to become a wattpad writer. i think she'd be happy to know i had a few successful books/stories.

i really wish i could continue her dream of writing, but ive just reached a point to where i have no motivation to write, or my stories don't turn out the way i want them to. ive grown up. my interests have changed. im in college. i turn 18 on sunday. its sad to say that 6th grade syd isnt here anymore.

ive already unpublished a few books, but ill let this one stay. its grown on me.

im genuinely thankful for this app. it gave me a place to run to whenever i was upset or bored or just needed to get something out. and even if i was just another average writer with average stories, it still felt nice to have other people comment and vote!

so this is the end of my writing, (even though i havent done any in months akdjksjsj n e wayyss)

thank you so much! you're all so amazing.

(i just realized this book is so old it has my old mf username on the cover KSJDKDHS)

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