Neville x Reader

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You were walking through Hogsmead. The snow was falling and the wind was picking up. Your boots were beginning to get soaked due to the melting snow under your feet. You grabbed your Butterbeer tighter, hoping to catch some of its warmth. You bit your lip and stepped into The Three Broomsticks. You went to a table for two in the back and sat down. You began to study your Herbology text book. You always bring a book anywhere you go; It could be a book about school, or a book about some vampires twinkling in the sunlight.
"Is anyone sitting here?"
You look up to see none other than Neville Longbottom.
"No, no one" you say smiling.
He pulls out the chair and sits down. You look back at your Herbology textbook in confusion.
"Hey, Neville" you say
"Do you think you can tutor me in Herbology? Im really behind and I need help." You ask
He smiles and nods, "Of course. What chapter is it ?" he asks referring to the book.
You look at the page number, "Um it's chapter 17. I really don't understand the Bullfrog Bibble ( Bullfrog Bibble? now i really want bibble)
"Meet me in the Gryffindor common room at 10 tonight. We can start then" he says smiling.
You get up, "Thanks, Neville. I'll see you around"
"Bye, y/n"

Just cause i havent done a neville imagine yet (:
I honestly thought that this was adorable xD

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