The Beginning

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The pain returned to her first. Then the darkness, then the fear.

Her head throbbed at the sound of whirring.

Finally, her eyes decided to open, the blue pupils grew small at the sudden light that was bouncing off the walls. Her head turned, taking a second to adjust to her surroundings. Boxes piled next to her and the crates, of what looked like cloth, stacked carelessly in the corner.

The peace didn't last long as the room flew upwards. Screams encased the atmosphere, still in her hungover state. Except, she doesn't remember ever being hungover.

Panic settled in her eyes as she made the mistake of standing up. The blood rushed to her head, making her feel dizzy and nauseous. Her nails clung to the wood of the crate, trying desperately not to fall over. Her legs felt like jelly, her head hurt and she was sure she had gone insane.

She groaned as the room came to an abrupt stop. Light came pouring in, making the poor girl place her arm above her eyes to stop being blinded.

A boy a bit older than her jumped down, his eyes raked her body. He spoke,

"Yeah, you might wanna get Alby."

Thirty boys started to ask questions, curious to see what was in the box.


"Fred, why'd we need Alby?"

He rolled his eyes. "Just get him. That's an order."

Their confusion was evident, worrying the girl in the box. Who had yet to reveal herself to the boys. A tall boy pushed past everyone before stepping to the side, showcasing another boy.

The guy in front of her, or Freddie as she had picked up, bowed slightly. She knew this boy was somewhat looked up too.

He just nodded and gestured for Freddie to move. He did just that.

The boys gaze landed on her and she felt embarrassed as she looked a mess.

He cleared his throat as more boys gathered around him.

"We have a new addition to our Glade. You must treat her as you would treat any one of us. That clear." The group murmured quick 'yeah's'. 

He turned to her.

"I'm assuming you don't know your name yet?" She shook her head.

"It's alright Greenie, it'll come to you in a few days." He offered his hand to her and she took it, praying for it to be the right decision and not something she'd regret. The second she stood, thirty pairs of eyes landed on her. All gawking at the sight of a girl. He let go of her hand and gestured for her to follow him. 

"I'm Alby, this is the Glade. I'm sure you have lots of questions, but we'll look around properly tomorrow. For now, you'll sleep in the med hut while Gally builds a new hut for you. That okay?"

She nodded, not exactly sure what to say.

He carried on walking until they reached a wooden hut. "This is the med hut. Nothin' special but it does shucking help." He then nodded to two skinny boys. "They're Jeff and Clint."



She waved at the two. They smiled at her which, surprisingly, calmed her nerves. Alby pulled her arm slightly and glanced at the door, signalling for her to leave with him. She looked at the two boys and back at Alby before leaving with him.

The trees swayed in the wind and the sun blared down at them. Alby had just finished showing her where her hut would be when Gally finished. The said builder was scared. Mainly because he'd been there for three years and had never seen a girl before, not that he'd remember anyway. Even if he was excited to meet the girl, he had two things to uphold. His reputation and his suspicions.

All the boys she had met were very welcoming, even if a few gazed a little longer than they should've. Chuck, the youngest of the gladers, stood out to her as his desire to fit in with the older boys was unsuccessful but he quickly gained a few acquaintances. Freddie, on the other hand, had taken a quick disliking to the girl, as he was cocky and self-centred, he didn't like sharing this attention. She decided she didn't like him either.

She was confused. The thoughts in her head made no sense. When she tried to think back to before entering the maze, she would find herself becoming dizzy and light-headed. Noting that Alby gets annoyed when people disobey orders, she postponed her questions. Silently hoping that they'd be answered tomorrow.



I'm back and ready to rewrite.

When I first wrote this I was too excited about publishing it then how good it actually was. Soooooo, I hope you like it because I think it's so much better than the original. Also, I accidentally published it before I was finished so it made no sense. Sorry.

Anyways I have more rewriting to do and then we can continue with the whole story.


(805 words)

SHOOTING STARS:BOOK 1 (REWRITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora