Third days a slicer

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Lily POV:

The dream I had last night was strange, it was like I was seeing snippets of a movie that was sped up. Newt was in it though, which only made me more confused.

Deciding to put my confusion to the side for the time being, I got up out of my hammock and I went for a shower. Working as a slopper was really rubbing off on me. That reminds me, I'm working as a slicer today. Also not as appealing as a slopper but I have to try out either way.

The cold water cascaded down my back, a pool of dirt gathered beneath me. Contemplating my day's plan filled my mind alongside my dream. Using the grubby bar of soap that was waiting to be used, I looked down in disgust, these boys are gross. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them haven't even showered recently.

Thinking about how I was going to approach this hygiene issue, I finished up and left the shower room. I got changed as quick as I could not wanting to miss Alby as he does his morning rounds. Running up to him, I said,"Alby, hey Alby, I have a question." he turned around confused at my sudden want to speak to him. 

"Go ahead." tilting his head slightly. 

"How often do you shower?" I could tell he was a bit taken aback by this question, but he answered nonetheless, "Uh, I-uh, maybe about once every week."my jaw dropped at this revelation, no wonder their clothes stink as bad as they do.

Shaking my head, I told him how we should start alternating shower timing for the boys so they're all getting clean. After speaking with Alby I went to talk to Winston. Making my way to the slaughter house, Winston chatted to me about the basic skills that are required for the job. As I entered the small hut I could smell the very pungent smell of blood, grabbing the knife on the side I mentally prepared myself for the trauma I was about to endure.

"Okay, what do I do next?"

Newt POV:

I couldn't get last night out of my head. I mean we almost kissed. Out of all the boys she chose to almost kiss she chose me, the ex-suicidal blonde who was lucky enough to become second in command.

She was only two huts down from me, so grabbing my rake I rushed towards the slaughter house. On my way there I thought about what I was going to say.

Hey I know I don't know you very well, but I couldn't stop thinking about our moment yesterday.

Yeah like I'm going to say that.

You haven't left my mind and have given me something to live for.

No, absolutely not.

Huffing in frustration, I turned around and went back towards the other track-hoes. Granted my bustling mind, seeing her across the glade somehow made me stop. Quite literally. As she left the slaughter house, the rake in my hand long forgotten, I headed towards her but Gally quickly rushed towards her and pulled her away before I could get there. 

How will I cope with this burden on my shoulders?

Gally POV:

Grabbing her hand, I pulled her away from the other gladers, dragging her to the dead ends where her surprise was waiting for her.

"Have you been here before?" I said trying to create small talk as we trudged through the grass. "Uh yeah, Newt showed me it." an unfamiliar feeling spread through my chest at the mention of the blonde.

"Well that makes it a little less magical." I muttered to no one in particular. As we approached the small area that gave me a sense of comfort, I looked up to the sound of gasping. The crystal clear water glimmered from the sunlight. Small flying bugs littered the reeds that oh so graciously covered the rivers side. "Gally it's gorgeous." I smiled gently at my friend.

"Why have you brought me here?"

My very blunt friend.

Lily POV:

The beautiful landscape graced my eyes and I knew that I was one of few who knew of its existence. I wonder if Newt knew and if he did would he have been the one to show me?

"I just thought that I would pass on my favourite place to someone else." he answered me smiling a little. Knowing that wasn't the case I repeated my question.

"Okay, fine, I-I like you Lily I really do." my face softened at the news. Oh Gally.

Newt POV:

The hell did I just hear.

Gally just confessed his feelings to Lily. I couldn't bare to think about what Lily would say back. I walked away wondering why I was so bothered by this. Slow, silent tears ran down my face, I quickly wiped them before I got to the main part of the glade.

As expected I saw them holding hands and laughing only making me hurt more. I solemnly walked back to my hut where I stayed for the rest of the day.

Lily POV

Taking his hand in mine I looked at him softly.

"Gally I don't really think you like me."

"What do you mean you don't think?"

"No Gally, I think that you've just met a girl and you're confusing those feelings with friendship. So I'm going to go now so you can think about these feelings you're, well, feeling. Is that okay." You could tell he wasn't exactly thinking straight because of the dazed look on his face. I couldn't tell if it was because of rejection or if it was just him actually thinking about my words.

I will admit I feel bad but I couldn't lie to my friend, I wouldn't.

He grabbed my hand making me turn towards him anyway.

"Thanks for at least giving me a shot at being your friend."

"What do you mean 'at least' I am still giving you a shot." he had an incredulous look on his face. "Really?" still not exactly sure that I was telling the truth.

"Yeah." Why not, I know he didn't like me like that so what was the harm.

We walked back, laughing and getting to know each other more. The sun started to set and the doors had slowly begun to shut. Whispering a good night to Gally I went to bed. Hoping no weird dreams would appear out of nowhere again. I couldn't afford to lose rest, the rules made that clear:

No slackers.

So I tried to sleep, I really did.

But the thought of a certain blonde still lingered at the back of my mind.


So Gally has made his grand entrance into Lily's life.

Trust me they don't get together, though he is still an important character.

Drink water and stay healthy


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