Psychotic bastards

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She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. She wanted to pound on those maze walls until one of those psychotic bastards came to pick her up. It had all become too much. 

She had to take in short gulps of air to calm herself down. Her hands were shaking violently to the point where she thought they'd break. This was becoming a regular thing and she wasn't sure if she could hold on much longer. 

Her nights always ended like this. Exhaustion and pain. Like it was a part of a cycle.

The next morning, Lily had awoken to Thomas's light knocking.

"Hey Lily."

"Hey Tommy."

He smiled at his nickname.

"Come on, get up."

"No." She said from the inside of her hammock, pausing before speaking again.

"Do you still have test for jobs or have the boys got to decide?"


She hummed, "Good, that means you're free to help me."

He just smiled and threw some clean pants at her, before leaving so she can get changed.

-----{ Time Skip }-----

When she finally trudged out of her hut, she was met with a smirking Chuck.

"Thomas told me."

"Told you what?"

"Oh just 'Good, that means you're free to help me.'" He said, his smirk widening. "Dudes whipped."

She pushed him lightly.

"Come on."

"She didn't deny it! She didn't deny it."

As they carried on walking, Gally came up to Lily from behind. He picked her up, causing her to squeal.

This caught a certain blonde's attention. He should be happy. He should be happy that she's happy. But it was the fact that she was happy without him.

But he didn't know about the panic attacks. She did well, if she could hide it from him.

Luckily his attention was drawn back to Alby. He wouldn't have known what to do if he saw what Thomas did.

Thomas ran up to her and grabbed her waist. Her smiling face gleaming in the sunlight, and Thomas sweared his heart stopped right there.

"Okay lovebirds we get it." Minho shouted from his place next to Alby and Newt. 

Thomas and Lily walked off while laughing as he held her closer and she held him tighter.

Newt looked down as the two boys looked at him.

"I'm convinced the universe hates me."

Authors note:

Hey guys, I'm sorry it's short I just needed to update it. I've lost all motivation to write as my grandad has recently died. This story has been shit, lets be honest. But I'm trying to redeem myself so I'm back at it. Yay!

Bye bitches

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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