Guilty thoughts

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Lily POV:

Newt has been doing this for a few days now, and I've started to become more irritated with why he's doing it. It's not like I have been doing anything wrong? Have I?

It's my final day trying out for jobs, today I'm trying out for a runner. I guess it's intrigued me a bit but I always had someone like Chuck or Minho try and distract me from getting to enthusiastic about the position. I will admit I have been cutting my sleep for practise, its sort of become my stress relief hobby. If that makes sense. 

I ate my food in silence as Minho jogged up to me with a backpack and a box which was, I presume, for my lunch.

"Hey Minho." I greeted him.

"Hey Lils, ready for your first day as a runner."

"As ready as I'll ever be." I smiled warmly. Ignoring the hurt that clouded my mental state, I stood up and walked with Minho to the Doors.

It was truly fascinating that the maze was so beautiful  but so deadly. It reminded me of a rose, beautiful visibly but physically harmful.

I've noticed that ever since his absence in my life I've become more connected with those who stuck around, I won't admit it out loud but I am scared to lose those who I've counted on. And if I do lose them what do I do with my life. Do I mourn, move on or do I try to forgive myself for not trying hard enough to prevent that thing from happening.

Newt hasn't changed, not in the slightest. And it hurt more than anything. Sometimes I think I've scared him off by being to sudden. By almost kissing him I mean. 

I just hope this goes well and that I'm not dead by the morning.

Newt POV:

I knew it hurt her. It hurt me too but I knew it was for the best. Well I thought at least. Seeing her talk to Gally and Minho with no care in the world made me truly wonder what she was feeling. I don't even know if she wants to talk to me anymore, I doubt it, after everything I've done.

I shouldn't be playing the victim and I know it. It was my decision anyway so why should I care. She has full right to be mad at me and by the looks of it I'll never know if she is or not.

I'd gotten used to watching from afar, unfortunately Alby has also gotten used to my staring to. The feeling that spread through me at the thought of someone even looking at her was enough to make the jealousy simmer in my chest. 

Anxiety clouded my head as I thought about the dangers of the maze. I knew how bad it was from first hand experience. But I also knew that I wouldn't be able to do anything to stop her from going. Ever since I ghosted Lily, Minho and Gally have just ignored my existence. So talking to Minho wasn't an option. I paused my raking as I weighed my options. I either go up to her and apologise while persuading her to not go into the maze or I leave it and have her suffer in the maze.

The first option is clearly more appealing.

So I settled with telling her after my work was complete. Little did I know that waiting for the right time would be the most guilt ridden event in my life and trust me there's a lot.


Sorry its short I'm on really busy at the moment with life in general so updates might be a bit slow.

Hope you've enjoyed


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