Newts sad truth

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warning:  attempted suicide and depression

Newt POV:

You know when you know something but you just can't put your bloody finger on it. That is how frustrated I am with the slintheads that put us in here. I remember her face but I can't remember where from, which is making me feel like a stupid shank because it's making things awkward between me and Lily. Which reminds me I need to check on how she's doing as a slopper. 

Minho jogged up to me and followed my gaze to the green eyed girl.

"Oi lover boy your making heart eyes." making me scoff,

"Slim it."

Chuck POV:

I was enjoying my day because I one, got to spend time with Lily and two, laugh at her scrunched up face as she did the laundry.

"Chuck I am concerned for your lack of reaction to this." she said picking up dirty joggers.

"I've gotten used to it." shrugging it off.

"What- no, no, no Chuck, no." I raised an eyebrow at her statement.

I think I spent about half an hour listening to her rant about sticking up for myself or some klunk like that. Knowing that I had her sticking up for me made my heart warm. Rolling my eyes a couple times I couldn't help but laugh at her over dramatic speech about my courage or lack of.

"Yeah, yeah I get it, I need to grow up."

"No Chuck they need to grow up." she replied with a motherly tone. God this girl will not give up. Grabbing my mop and bucket I set off to clean the bathrooms with Lily at my side. It was quiet the rest of the day, Alby and Newt occasionally checking up on us, well Alby was, I was 99% sure Newt only came to see Lily since me and him weren't very close but you could tell he was somewhat infatuated with her.

We were left alone until dinner.

Lily POV:

Dropping my cleaning supplies was probably the most satisfying thing I've done today. As I was walking across the glade peace embedded itself into my mind.

But it didn't last long since something- or someone had to ruin it.

That someone was Minho.

Running towards me at full speed, he wrapped his arms around my waist, hastily throwing me over his shoulder. He ran the whole way to the cookhouse with me on his back. Frypan laughed as soon as he saw us and passed us our food. Plopping me down, Minho ate like a starved man after running all day. Halfway through our meal, he said "How was working as a slopper going?" I shook my head vigorously. Expressing my dislike for the chore.

"You don't realise how dirty you lot are until you have to clean after them." I explained to him. His brows raised in mock offence. "Is that really what you think of me?" sarcasm dripping through the question. I nodded while chewing the stew Frypan made. After swallowing the mouthful I had he started shaking his head disapprovingly, making me laugh at his antics. Finishing my food I got up, said bye to Minho and went on with my day.

Newt POV:

The blaring heat shone down on us. Wiping the sweat from my brow I continued with my raking, occasionally getting up for seeds and fertiliser. I didn't go to the cookhouse for food but instead made Zart get my food for me. I know I should rest but I over work when I'm stressed.

You might be wondering 'Newt why are you stressed?'

Simple, her and my dark past.

The haunting memories of my past days as a runner shadowed over my being. It scared me, the maze did. And knowing there may not be a way out crushed me. I knew there were others who thought like me but they had stuff to live for. Hopes for family, friends and sometimes even acceptance of being trapped here. But I had had enough of the illusion of hope that clouded our sight of what was around us. So after a while the thoughts and feelings had started to become reality. Nightmares were inevitable and the depression rolled in like a tumbleweed. I felt so lifeless to the point I would regret lying to the boys about how I felt that 'we were almost there that I could feel we were close to getting out'.

So, one day I left early. My excuse was that I wanted to explore more of the section I was assigned to. After a while of running through the twisted maze I found a high wall. I climbed up the ivy that littered the wall, getting to the highest point possible. My breathing was heavy as I heaved myself up the wall until the ivy cut short.

Adrenaline ran through my veins as I grew excited by the thought that it was finally over. Finger by finger I let go.

The pain was indescribable as it soared through my body. My screams penetrated the air, my leg now in a position that would make someone want to vomit at the sight.

The last thing I remember after that was waking up at the med hut, Alby's expression unreadable as he sat on the end of the bed. I saw a few tears escape.

His voice was hoarse as he spoke seven words that seemed to never leave me alone.

"N-newt why- I just don't get it."

Just thinking about it made me want to cry on the spot. The pain was something I've experienced once and I was determined to never experience it again. But the emotional pain was something that will never leave me as I look at Alby's face. But I also can't help but be grateful for my depression since I wouldn't be where I am now. With a great best friend, a beating heart and a somewhat peaceful life.

Sometimes we don't get what we want at that moment, but sometimes it's for the best. For you and even for others. I'll be forever grateful for those who stuck by my side through everything I did and have been doing 'till this day.


So Newts opened up.

I cried a bit but don't tell anyone.

Also I hit 1015 words so I now know I'm capable of writing a decent amount.


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