Reminiscing, great

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Third Person POV:

Lily's night was bliss, the moonlight on the walls and the stars glimmering in the sky, it made you question how such a terrible place could hold such beauty. She was looking forward to meeting the greenie as his quick banishment to the pit limited his meeting time with the others. As of the previously mentioned event, tonight was the set date for the party since he was considered prone to running and potentially ending up in the maze. Her understanding of what he was feeling was small, as she'd only stood up out of the box and walked with Alby on her first day, but she thought that it was because she was much more relaxed and less courageous than Thomas seemed.

Thomas appeared nice enough, just very inquisitive and scared. But all of them experienced that feeling one way or another. She would be lying if she said that she didn't cry on her first night. Everyone was different, meaning that she'd learnt not to judge a book by its cover, I mean, look at Gally. A tough builder by day and a troubled little boy when the doors closed.

The sun shone on the small huts where they were all gathered, the blistering heat only added to the exhaustion the gladers felt. All the track-hoes were beneath a large tree, the majority laying down and drinking water. One of those said people were Lily, her hair spread messily in the grass. The small beads of sweat coated her hair as she tried to cool down. Rays of sunlight danced on her red cheeks, the long hours of work catching up to her.

To anyone else, the sight might have been deemed beautiful. A young girl, tired with a blissful expression coaxing her face. To Newt, to Chuck, to Gally. Hell, maybe even Alby. But to the said girl, it was like a prison coated in rainbows and sunshine.

The four walls around her had been heavily weighing her mind recently, her only escape being her sleep. Unfortunately, that peace was interrupted with dark nightmares clashing with her inner emotions.

But, yet, she kept going.

The little girl inside her screamed with each passing day. Her mind was growing restless the more she thought, and she could practically feel the migraines she would experience later. Each night was spent losing sleep to what she thought were fantasies, she loved her life. She really did. But it was becoming harder and harder to cope as time went on. 

She would find herself daydreaming, Minho or Chuck coming to wake her was getting old. Dreams were getting scarier and she started to become dependent and clingy. Her only thread of hope were those like Minho. His optimism causing her to spend more time with the boy. This time was no different. She basked in the sun, her inner turmoil clouded her thoughts. The Asian boy noticed and was quick to try to lighten the mood.

Lightly jogging up to her, careful not to drain his energy since his shift was far from over, he crouched down to her level.

"Hey Lils." He spoke, breaking her train of thought.

"Hey." She whispered in acknowledgement, still gazing at the branches above her. She admired the way each branch looked so similar yet had a totally different pattern embedded into the bark. He studied her face for a few seconds before continuing. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I guess." Her gloomy aura radiated her dislike for conversation as she spoke. He picked up on this so he muttered a quick "Bye" before turning on his heel, heading for the map room, but he would admit that he was concerned for the girl.

Across the glade were the second-in-command and the leader, Alby. "Newt, you've been distant lately?" His hand latching onto the blondes shoulder.

"Sorry Alby, just the heat's getting to me. I'm sure it's nothing." He spoke softly.

"Really, I haven't seen you like this since..." Alby trailed off.

The blonde winced at the comparison made by the boy's friend. He knew Alby would never get over what happened, as it was in his nature to worry, but it was all in the past and Newt was desperate to keep it there in the past and away from a certain long-haired brunette.

She couldn't know.


She wouldn't know.

"No Alby, I promised that I wouldn't do it again. So thanks for your concern but I'm fine." He hastily responded.

This did little to calm the leaders nerves. He couldn't understand how Newt could shy away from a problem that has been bugging him, and the others, for a while. He was his best friend. He almost lost him once. He wasn't going to lose him again. Especially after their most recent conversation, the boy would be keeping a close eye on the blonde, as he was not convinced that what he had told him was one hundred percent true. He didn't know how to respond so he settled on the girl.

"How's things with Lily?" The blonde visibly perked up at the mention of her and the topic change.

"Things are good." He answered. Alby raised a brow at him, silently telling him to elaborate. The boy sighed.

"I took her on a date where we watched the stars." Alby was the only one Newt had told about their relationship, mainly because he suspected that Alby would figure it out sooner rather than later. Much to the girl's dismay when she found out.

"Let me guess, you used a cheesy pick up line. Which sucked. Meaning she either abandoned you or laughed it off. Am I right?"

"H-how?" The blonde said with his mouth agape. The other boy chuckled. "Newt, you're my best friend. I know you."

"And before you think about it too much, it was the second one. Well she scolded me for it but it was a joke so that counts. Right?"

It was times like these where Newt would appreciate Alby and his friendship. The boy knew him to the point where it was scary. Alby was grateful for their friendship too, as leadership isn't as easy as it sounded. He was always grateful for a second opinion, an honest opinion. Without Newt he would be crushed, that's why ever since that day Alby vowed to always be there for Newt when times were difficult. Whether Newt liked it or not.

Authors Note:

Hi guys I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With 979 words. I would've made it longer but I've had a bit of writers block.

Also it was literally 1:06 am when I was writing this. I'm freaking tired.

It's great to see all your lovely faces again. So to make up for my absence I decided to write this up and proofread it three times but then I decided I didn't like how it was portraying the story so I changed it up again. I also edited the authors note which.... I don't know. I think it makes me look like an idiot for caring so much.


That took a few days and sleepless nights but oh well. I hope you're satisfied.

Thank you for your time.


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