Bloody and broken

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Newt POV:

After work I sprinted towards the Doors anxiously waiting for her return. A few minutes went by and I found myself biting my nails out of nervousness.

Where could she be?

She still has half an hour to get out but that information didn't calm my nerves, not in the slightest. I had to keep reassuring myself that Minho had it under control. I waited until there was only two minutes left. 

A stumbling Minho came into view with a bloodied Lily on his back, slightly leaning to the right side of his body. I ignored the jealousy that ran though my veins at the two, and instead I helped him carry her to the med hut.

Clint's eyes analysed her body, looking for any other injuries that could be life threatening. His gaze stopped at her stomach where a large wound covered the left part of her torso and ended at her hip. The loss of blood was not helping her as we tried to diagnose the situation.

"Lets's take her in." Clint announced after a short silence. I took a step forward but Alby held me back. He gave me a small glare, telling me to not be stubborn this one time. I sighed and gave in.

My head hung low and Albys hand on my shoulder, I walked out of the med hut. Promising to make amends when she'd finished healing. 

Minho approached us with a deadly glare.

"Couldn't stay away could you lover boy." He hissed. Alby took this as a sign to leave, much to my dismay, knowing this was going somewhere I wouldn't like.

"You hurt her, you hurt her so shucking much you slinthead." Shaking as he responded. I looked down in pure guilt. Letting it consume me, a tear was released in my moment of despair.

"No you don't get to cry when she's practically in a coma not even a door down from us, you abandoned her." He spat, "I won't let it happen again Newt, as much as you try I'll be there. Trust me Gally and Chuck agree with me. They're ready to stand by her when you couldn't, give her a shoulder to cry on like you couldn't. This is all your fault."

His words hit me hard, realising my mistake I looked up. Regretting it immediately as I met his harsh glare. "I wanted to talk to her, really I did." He shot me a questioning glance as the words left my mouth. "It hurt me, staying so far away but I never truly abandoned her." I was there she just didn't know it. She didn't know of the times where I snuck into her room as she was sleeping and played with her hair as she had nightmares. She didn't know of the stolen glances I had been giving her from across the glade. She didn't know of all the tears that flooded from my eyes on the nights where seeing her so close but so far away got to much to handle, which was a daily occasion. She'd messed me up, and I wasn't mad at it.

I was grateful, and as I've said before it might not be what you want but it might be for the best.

In my case it only broke us but the moral still stands.

Lily POV:

Lights swirled though my vision. A woman's face appearing above me whispering how it was going to be alright.

WICKED is good

The statement blared through my ears as the woman was shot dead on the floor.  Flashes of light beamed down on me and I couldn't seem to get away from the noise. Shouting suddenly took centre stage in my mind and I could not focus on anything else but it. Collapsing onto my knees a man aimed is gun at me before talking to the guard next to him. The guard then walked towards me and grabbed me shoulder to inject a needle into my arm. I screamed as it penetrated my skin and my vision started to cloud.

I shot up out of my bed, my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. Jeff can running in with a cup of water in his hand. 

"My god Lils, you gave us all a heart attack." He dramatically sighed to get his point across. I was utterly confused, only remembering seeing the green blob with mechanical legs pounce towards me. Jeff seemed to notice my confusion since he answered with how I was "stung" and by the sounds of it, it wasn't something to be proud of.

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