We're not us anymore

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Third Person POV:

Newt strolled towards the brunette, he lay down. His body lying a few inches away from her. His heavy breathing broke the silence. 

It had been a while since they had spoken, only exchanging a few words. Their date was a week ago and Newt was battling the negative thoughts that clouded his mind. Is she okay? Does she still want to be with me? Am I good enough for her? Should I talk to her?

After a while he decided he would attempt to talk to her.

"How are you love?" He said after turning his body around to face her. She didn't do much, so in response she turned around so they were making direct eye contact.

"I'm fine, just tired."

He could tell she was lying. His eyes lingered on hers for a few more seconds before he huffed.

"You know you can't lie to me, right? " He stated. She breathed out a laugh, masking her nervousness and nodded in return.

They sat in silence, their conversation hovered in the air. Newts hand placed behind his head as he stared at the sun. Lily's hands rested on her stomach, her mind whirring with lies.

They both questioned where it all went wrong. One day they were laughing and watching the stars and the other, they were sitting in silence trying to rid the awkwardness that filled the air. Knowing that neither one of them was going to talk anytime soon, Lily excused herself.

"Right, well, I'm going to head back to work. Bye Newt."

She walked off, his gaze trailing behind her. No kiss on the cheek, just a simple goodbye. Well, he knew she couldn't kiss him because they were outside and anyone could see, but they were alone and away from prying eyes.

Both their minds were thinking about the other. Why and how it went wrong. They both knew it but refused to acknowledge the fact that they just weren't working anymore, or at least like they used to.

Lily was only dreading the day her fairytale was going to end, but something told her it was going to be soon, very soon.

Authors Note:

Hey guys, so um, yeah here we go. I know they've only been together for like 3 weeks but their relationship has moved too quickly. And from experience this doesn't end well, so I've decided that they will end it but there will be subtle flirting and Newts true feelings towards Lily will become more visible as I continue this book. Y'all aren't going to be happy with what happens next, but I have a plan. I'm sorry it took me so long to write this, I've been busy with work but on a lighter note, I have so many plans for this book and I would love to hear your suggestions. Don't be a silent reader! I love you guys and your support. Thank you for your time.


(Word count = 468)

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