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It's August 03, 2020 RIIIING! RIIIIING! RIIIING RIIIING! My alarm clock rang over and over, I was about to turn it off when I saw the time '7:46?! Oh my gosh! I forgot! my first day in school!' I screamed while getting out of bed.
I ran straight to the bathroom and took a quick shower, hurriedly put on my clothes which I never got enough time to chose and head down stairs and skipped my breakfast. My Father saw me and ran after me saying
'Emma! You forgot your bag sweetie'

Emma an 18 year old girl having a height of 5'1, her hair is straight and is light brown in color. She has light colored skin tone, she has small freckles on her cheeks and nose, having a cute button nose and dark blue eyes. Her face is round with raised cheekbones and thin pinkish lips. She has a body of a model and has a voice of an angel, she tends to be late all the time and she's a kind, bubbly, a bit mischievous and smart girl that loves to sing and loves oversleeping.

I ran back to get my bag.
'Thanks Dad, what would I do without you' I put on my bag and smiled sweetly at my dad. 'Well you're my princess aren't you? Now go have fun on your first day in school' He said to me with a smile on his face.
'I will' I replied and head my way on to school.
Stan, Her dad is a tall man he has short black straight hair and his smile is captivating. He is a fun and loving dad. Stan mostly wear white colored shirt and has a thing for video graphing every especial moment in his life with his camera.

Funny my dad would say that coz' I'm not that happy of the fact that I'm going to a new school. I had to transfer to another school because he got promoted in the company he was working at and was given a new project here in Washington. I'm missing my home back in California, Seattle is so different.
It's already 7:57 I walked to school because my house is just three blocks away from school and it's awkward that I always tend to be late. Well you can't blame me, I'm such a sleepy head you know - sometimes 8 hours of sleep isn't just enough for little oh me.
As I was getting closer to my school I felt totally nervous and horrified. It's like I was in a horror movie type of film. I don't know how to be a college student here, I don't even know if what I'm wearing is okay and my hair! My hair is - is a complete mess! I never got to fix it because I was in a hurry and I'm not even sure if I'm going to have at least one friend here. It's just hard to adjust with.
I got inside the school 5 minutes late for my first period. The school was huge a single building consisting of 5 floors. Everything is so new to me the rooms are different, so different from my old school. The school was dull the paint that coated the school building even the rooms inside are just a mix of white, gray and maroon. It's hard for me to adjust to new school, new teachers and new faces too but I'm still gonna try . . .
As I was having trouble finding my room while walking through the hallway my eyes got mesmerized by a student that was dancing all alone inside of the room that I was passing by. I paused for a second, Well more than a minute. I saw all his dance moves, they were flawless!. My heart pumped and was completely synced with the beat of the song he was dancing to.

'Gorgeous face' I said dreamingly in a soft voice

Suddenly I was pulled back into the real world when I heard someone talking 'Hello Miss? Can I help you? You've been watching me for like two minutes now.'
Oh my gosh! I was completely out of my senses. I was staring at him for two minutes! two whole freakin' minutes!! And did I or did I just not said 'Gorgeous face' in front of him?! Ohhh - this is a disaster.
'Ahm. . .miss? Are you okay?' He asked. Well, don't just stand there say something! 'Ahm... No' 'So you're not okay?' He said confused 'No! I mean I'm okay, my brain's not' I paused for a moment and just realized what I said 'My gosh! Emma why did you say that?' I whispered to myself 'So Emma huh?' He said with a sweet voice. 'Did I just say that out loud?' I whispered again as I turned my head to the side having my face covered by hair. 'Ah... No I'm just close to you so I heard you whispering' He uttered as he moved over in front of me and crouched his head and slightly brushed my hair to the side, I could feel him so close to me and got nervous
'Gosh I did it again!' I uttered in complete humiliation
'Hahaha' he let out the most sweetest laugh I turned to him and smiled 'Just easy, by the way allow me to introduce myself. HI I'm Damien! you must be the new transfer student everybody was talking about'

Damien, age 19 is a tall Second year college boy, 5'11 in height, he has tanned skin and light brown eyes, has a medium long black wavy hair, has a tiny mole near his left eye and he has bold shoulders. He has an oval shaped face with masculine jaw line. His top lip is thin and arched while his bottom lip has a medium pout. He likes wearing shirts other than polo and is fund of dark colored pants. He is sweet, charming and has a cute smile. His passion is dancing.

'Yeah how did you know?' I asked politely
'Well this was the first time I saw you here so I kinda guessed my way' then he smiled at me.
And just right there in that exact moment I knew I was completely and utterly in love for the first time and my first impression to him was so lame - I'm lame.
'Well, See you around nice meeting you Emma' He got out his hand and I held it giving each other a hand shake.
'Yeah yeah see you around Damien'
'Call me Ian' He turned around waved at me and gave a little smirk.
I take everything back. Maybe a new school isn't so bad. With Damien? I mean, with Ian around my stay here in this school will be so amazing. I can't erase his smile on my mind, the way he danced and the way he looked at me it was just so magical. Too bad I can't dance then we could have been dance partners.

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