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Damien and I were walking on the side walk. The moon was full, the air was cold, the street was quite and the smell of his perfume lingered through my nose. I looked up and took a deep breath and slowly closed my eyes. Thinking of all that has happened to me these past few days it made me smile.
   As I was walking with my chin up and my eyes closed I heard Damien say ‘Why does the moon only appear at night?’ I opened my eyes and turned to him and asked ‘Why?’ I said in curiosity
   ‘Why? Did you see a moon appear during the day?’ then he laughed so hard that tears were in his eyes. I punched him and said ‘That wasn’t funny at all’ he stopped laughing and said ‘But that wasn’t a joke I just wanted to catch your attention’ then he giggled ‘You know that the moon only appears at night, don’t you?’ He added ‘Yeah! I know!’ I replied and punched him once again on the shoulder ‘Aw!!..’ He said with slight agony. I looked him in the eye and slowly smiled at him. Even if his annoying at some point, I can’t resist his cuteness especially when he smiles. We were close to the park when I was hooked by the delicious aroma coming from the coffee shop ahead of us ‘Since we’re already here, you want to order?’ Damien asked ‘Well it is cold. Okay let’s order’ we went up to the counter and looked at the menu ‘So what do you want?’ Damien asked ‘I’ll have what you’ll be having’ I replied ‘Okay let’s just be practical” he looked at the lady at the counter and said “We’ll have the lovers on a cup’ I blushed as he said his order ‘Okay sir have a seat and your order will be delivered to your table in a moment’ the lady said.
Damien looked at me and pointed at the empty table and said ‘Let’s take a sit there’ he grabbed my arm as we walked up to the table, he pulled out my chair and help me sit down ‘So..’ Damien uttered ‘Why did you order that?’ I said ‘Well there are two of us so it would be a two in one and well honestly I don’t have enough money on hand because I left my wallet in your couch right beside your sleeping dad’ he looked down in embarrassment ‘Oh no you don’t have to pay for me’ I said ‘But I want to Emma I’m the guy here’ He replied ‘Well next time don’t do it again, I can manage don’t spend your money on me okay?’ I said to him as I leaned forward while raising his head ‘okay’ he replied. I smiled and leaned back to my chair and said ‘Plus, I’m not even your girlfriend don’t make me your responsibility okay?’ 
   ‘Okay, but please let me just this once as a friend.’
   As I heard him say the word friends it shattered me a bit thinking that he really does only sees me as a friend   
   ‘Well, okay’ I replied. ‘Oh I have something for you’ He reached from his back and showed me a box.
   ‘what’s in this?’ I asked ‘ why don’t you open it to find out?’ I opened the box and saw a silver necklace with a pendant; engraved on it was the word cupcake. I looked at him as he was showing me the necklace around his neck, it said ‘gumdrop’ He took the necklace outside the box and wore it around my neck while saying.
   ‘Well, I know that this still isn’t enough to let you know how grateful I am to have someone like you in my life. But I will always find a way to let you know that’ He said while looking at me. Is this a proclamation of love? Cold? Rainy? Coffee? Him being so cute. Is this it.
   ‘You don’t know how lucky I am to have you as a friend.’
  Spoke too soon. I said thank you and told him that I’m also lucky to have him as a friend. A minute passed and our order arrived. As we finished drinking our coffee the rain finally stopped and we got out off the coffee shop and headed right away to the park where we were supposed to go. It just rained, there’s a kind of glow on the pavement, and we’re walking passed puddles and skipping rocks on the lake. We got on the bridge and sat there while talking to each other as the moon was lighting up the water making it shimmer. It was a night that we could never forget. It’s just so perfect. ‘Emma?’ I looked at him as he called my name ‘Nothing’ I extended my wrist to look at my watch and looked at the time It’s already 10 o’clock ‘I need to go home by 11 o’clock’ I said ‘Well, we still have an hour’ Damien said while looking up at the moon then looked at me and said ‘Come on I want to show you something’ He took my hand and led me to a tree that was near a large kiosk.
   ‘So what’s with the tree?’ I said and made a short giggle ‘Well, this was the spot my mom would take me when I was still little. I just feel like we have a connection whenever I come here on Fridays when she would come home from work, so this day of the week is basically the most important day for me’ he got near the tree and touched it, I went up and saw his name and his mom’s name carved on the tree “Alexandra and My baby Damien” as I read the carvings on the tree I said ‘Oh that’s so sweet,it would be nice to meet her. Where is she now, on a business trip ?’ I asked. I saw Damien looking down and shed a tear ‘She can’t. She’s someplace far away from here’ He said as he looked up. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t knew that she’ ‘It’s okay’ He uttered
   ‘The day Brianna broke up with me was the day my mom died because of a car accident. She was taking a leave from her office to spend a whole week with me. Well, that’s what she said but I knew she took the leave to find my father she made up her mind after so many years she wanted to accept the both of them then the accident happened, she didn’t survive. I was there all night until she was moved to the morgue, it was the most terrible day for me May 6 it was a Friday, happened just last year. Same day and same month as your mom -- and your birthday. My dad never showed up, I expected he wouldn’t come because I saw how furious he looked when he was packing his stuff, mom got so angry that she burned every picture of him in the house - every single one. My mom never said his name for years that’s why I forgotten who he was and what he looked like before I even turned 5. ’
   In my realization I never got to ask him about his mom for the reason that I was so busy on finding out everything about my mom, I felt so bad. ‘I’m so sorry for your loss, I didn’t got the chance to ask you about her’ I held his shoulder and he uttered ‘No it’s okay. I can manage. besides, there’s someone who can make me feel better now’ He said and smiled at me I turned my head to the side and said ‘Wow, lover boy just hit his head and instantly got a new target’ Damien went up to me and held my face making me look at his gorgeous brown eyes being lit by the moonlight.
   ‘You’re wrong’ He said while pointing at his head ‘I may have an injured head but I loved her long before this all happened. I know what my heart was dancing to all this time. The moment I heard her laugh, the way she mumbles and especially the way she sings her favorite song.’
   He got out his phone and played my favorite song “timeless” I don’t know what was going on but I could feel my heart ready to jump out the chest.

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