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An anonymous person donated blood to Damien the first day he got admitted and whoever it was may God bless his or her soul. The day after he was injected with the donor’s blood he could finally speak straight. The doctor was surprised how fast his recovery had been.
That day we tried to ask him hundreds of times who did this brutality to him. Me, my father, Mr. Gill, but he just kept his mouth shut. He said that he doesn’t want anything to get worse. Even the police asked but they never got any answers from him. He says ‘If I tell you who he is it will only get worse and maybe other people could get hurt because of him.’ We got nothing from him he didn’t want to talk about it. It’s all wrong. Everything is a complete mess. As painful it is to accept the fact that we can no longer give him justice for what happened to him. We tried to move on from his case and tend to him for his recovery.
Although with Damien’s fast recovery the doctor said that he still needs a few days in the hospital to monitor on his vital signs just after they could tell that he was fully recovered then he could go home. He was confined in the hospital for about 5 days and every day after class I would go and visit him and teach him the lessons our instructors discussed in class for him to catch up with our studies even if he couldn’t come to school.
   It was lunch time and I decided to go to the hospital instead of the cafeteria. I arrived at the hospital and found Mr. Gill preparing lunch for Damien he asked me to join them because it seemed that I haven’t eaten yet. Minutes past Damien and I were alone in his room because Mr. Gill was sent by the doctor to buy a specific pill for Damien to take later. As I was looking through my phone I noticed that Damien was looking at me and asked him what was wrong. ‘Nothing, nothing’s wrong’ he replied. I got back to look at my phone when he added ‘I just thought how fragile how life is. That you’ll never know what time or day you’ll be gone or how short or long your life could be.’ He looked at me and smiled. I was bothered on how he said those words to me. It made me lose my attention to my phone and I approached him asking what he meant. He grabbed my hand and asked me to sit down.
   ‘The day Brianna went up to us? To talk to me? She wanted to talk about the two of us. That we’re a match and said I shouldn’t even be friends with you in the first place. She asked if we could be together again.’ He said in a soft voice.
   I asked him if they got together again after they talked and to my surprise he said they didn’t. Damien held my hand even more tighter and said ‘As I heard her say those words in front of me, I know that I would never accept her again. She insulted you and in the same way insulted me as well. I don’t want to deal with someone who sees something precious to me as garbage.’ I could feel that my cheeks we’re turning red. Is it getting hot in here is it just the rapid phase of my heart beat?.
‘So you turned her down?’ I asked with disbelief ‘Ahm. It kinda looks like it. Yeah’ he said it so calmly he said that he would rather be with me than her because her personality was so far from mine. She was a self centered brat, he didn’t even knew why he liked her in the first place. ‘But I thought you still love her?’ I asked just to clarify the situation.‘Well, this past few days I felt my love for her fading. And besides this is my second chance in life. I plan to enjoy my life with the people who truly matters to me.’
   He rose from his bed and went close to me and said ‘Speaking of something that matters. You are …’
   Damien stopped talking when his uncle came in with the pills he bought ‘Ahm. Did I interrupt something?’ He asked Damien looked at him and raise his eyebrows ‘Okay, I’ll just go out for a bit’ His uncle left us and I turned my attention back to Damien and asked what he was going to say. ‘I was about to say that you are... Ahm... That you’ll be late for your next class. it’s already 12:53’ he uttered while pointing at the clock.
   ‘Oh yeah, gosh I forgot. Thanks, what will I do without you’
   I got my bag, said goodbye to Damien and told him to get well soonest. I left the room and bumped into Mr. Gill. I thanked him for the food and said goodbye.

   Around 3:46 in the afternoon Mr. Gill called me I was in the middle of my Theology class and our instructor got furious with me saying it's best if I leave her class if I can’t make my phone silent and disrupt her lecture during her class ‘I’m sorry miss’ I said and went out of the classroom ah someone must have gotten their period. I answered the phone, Mr. Gill said that Damien can be released later and that he was just fixing up his stuff to put into the car. ‘I can help, I mean I don’t have a next period’ I uttered. Mr. Gill was pleased to hear it and said that he would wait for me in Damien’s room and asked me to join them for dinner later at their house.
   I called my dad to tell him that I was going to help Mr. Gill with Damien, that I won’t be home for dinner and that Mr. Gill offered to drive me home afterwards. My dad agreed so I went to the hospital right away.
   As I arrived I cleaned his wound on his forehead before we could leave. We arrived at their house and I carried his stuff while Mr. Gill was getting the car inside of the garage.

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