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Damien and I got to school on time. Thanks to him I wasn’t late for anything since he came into my life and thanks to him I knew who my mother was. I owe Damien big time so I’ll make this plan work even if it’ll hurt me so much. This will be the best pay back for him, after all he turned my world right side up. Everything would still be a mess if it weren’t for him.
   As Damien was placing his bike on the bike rack I touched his shoulder and whispered
   ‘Our plan starts at 2 o’clock in the afternoon during that time we hide in the roof top shed. We’ll sit back and watch it all happen. You’ll get your Brianna in just a snap’ Damien looked at me as if he didn’t like the plan he keeps on saying ‘what if I don’t want to anymore’ but I keep saying that he was lying I know when I see a lying person when it’s in front of me.
   ‘But I don’t have the...’ I stopped him and gave him the rose ‘Here you go lover boy, don’t worry it’s still in good shape’ but before he could say anything more to me the bell rang.I grabbed Damien's arm and dragged him to the hallway ‘Come on, time for class’
   As I was holding Damien’s arm I felt that he removed it and when I saw him holding my hand. I was shocked. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I let go of his hand and asked
   ‘What are you doing Damien?’ I said with a tone ‘I just wanted to...’ I looked around and I saw Brianna in the hallway getting books from her locker. ‘To what? make Brianna jealous? Please Damien don’t use me I already told you we have a plan. You don’t have to do this and I don’t like being used. I’m not a doll!’ I said furiously. ‘I’m sorry’ He uttered and walked ahead of me. I got guilty. I never should have said that even with a tone I know now that he’ll pretend not to talk to me and ignore me in class. I shouldn’t have let my emotions come over me. I hurt him. I hurt the one I love.
    Hours passed and I was right he did try to ignore me he didn’t talked to me, he didn’t even looked at me the whole time. Although we ate lunch together but it wasn’t the same everything was quiet and it’s starting to get deafening. I know I can’t take this. I can’t pretend anymore that it’s okay we be like this all the time. I needed to straighten things out between us.

Damien’s POV
   Emma doesn’t seem to want to talk to me, because of what I did? She thought I was making Brianna jealous and I was using her. I didn’t even know that Brianna was there I just wanted to hold Emma’s hand and wanted to confess my feelings for her but she got it the wrong way.
   I couldn’t speak to her because I was so ashamed that I made her mad. She keeps on looking at me but I tend to keep a straight face and just listen to the lesson the teacher was discussing. I got so uncomfortable. It’s not the same, something changed. I miss when the both of us are laughing in class and the way we look at each other at the cafeteria. Now it’s all mind your own business between us. I know I had to make a move. I’m the man here.

   It’s already 1:56 and only 4 minutes left till the bell rings I asked Emma if we’d go together to the roof top but she said I should go ahead because she had something to do first. Moments passed and the bell rang. Emma and I went different ways. I went ahead to the garden and saw a glass cage, it was filled with 5 huge spiders. I wonder who it belonged to then I heard someone walking up the stairs and heard them talking.
‘You sure about this? I mean doesn’t this note seem suspicious to you? Why would Brianna say this?’ I saw Beck and his buddies talking, it’s kinda weird that beck was wearing a clown costume. Then beck grabbed the note and said
   ‘Yes I’m sure, Besides because of this she'll know how awesome I am. This letter from her will do the trick. And it’s her birthday’ He placed the note on his back pocket and put on the clowns nose. Huh. This is really weird it’s not Brianna’s birthday. Man! This dude really is a jerk he doesn’t even know her girlfriends birthday.

   ‘Okay you got the sack?’
   ‘Yeah I got the sack come on lets go’

   They left and I thought of why there were spiders, why beck was wearing a clown costume and why they were carrying a sack. After thinking about the details I figured it out ‘They're going to scare Brianna! They’ll try to kidnap her using the sack which she’s afraid of the dark and throw her a clown and spider party. she hates spiders and worse she’s afraid of heights!’ I said in a panicked voice. ‘Thus, making Brianna hate Beck which will lead to a break up. I know genius right’ I heard Emma getting out of the green house.
   ‘You know let’s just stop this… what if we get caught?
   ‘Oh please, we won’t get caught. Trust me I have it all under control’ She said while showing me the note and punched me lightly on the shoulder. ‘Come on help me burn this thing grab that can, I know I have a lighter here somewhere, Found it!’ she uttered. I grabbed the can and placed it in front of her and she then burned the note inside of it. ‘Evidence gone. You can thank me later lover boy’ in my curiosity I asked Emma what was written on the paper. ‘Oh nothing just, Hey babe, tomorrow’s my birthday and I promise to give you what you wanted if you surprise me Ps. I like clowns, spiders, kidnappings and I love heights PPss. Do this only at school love yah. I tell you it’s genius’
   ‘You took the letter from beck?’ I said in a panicked voice what if he saw her? I don’t want her to get into trouble just because of me. She calmed me down and said ‘Don’t worry, it was so easy he didn’t even notice I was there when his shoelace got “untied” and please that jerk is so dumb he wouldn’t know it’s his birthday’
   We were both looking at the burning paper and went silent I wanted to say to her that what she said earlier wasn’t my intention and I wanted to say sorry so I inhaled deeply and said  
   ‘Emma about what happened earlier I didn’t mean to…’ I got interrupted by her voice ‘It’s okay. But I’m the one who needs to apologize, I raised my tone on you I should have known better. It was my job to help you since I was the one who insisted. If you want to use me it’s fine. If that means you two will get back together faster, I wouldn’t mind. That’s what friends are for right?’ said Emma.
   After she said those words it shattered me. She still sees me as a friend. Where did I go wrong? Why is this so hard? I’m getting nowhere with this. But I’ll never lose hope I know she will fall for me eventually. Time will come that my sweet meringue topped cupcake will learn to love me. She then made a fist and was about to give me a fist bump when she heard someone screaming.
    We were about to hide in the shed when Emma remembered the can. ‘Damien get the can hurry!’ I grabbed the can and quickly head back inside. The shed was small it was filled with gardening tools and seeds Emma and I were so close that I could hear her heart beat. I could smell her hair, it smells like cherries and vanilla. I was so comfortable even if the both of us were barely fitting inside. After a minute we could hear Brianna screaming

   ‘LET ME OUT OF HERE!’ She shouted. Beck and his buddies got Brianna out of the sack and was shocked by Brianna’s loud scream ‘AHHHHH! A CLOWN! WHAT THE!! SPIDERS! AHH!!’ Brianna was hitting him so hard ‘Babe it’s me!’ beck took off the clown costume and approached Brianna. The girl was so frightened that she slapped beck when he got close and asked furiously.
   ‘WHY ARE YOU WEARING THAT?! IT’S NOT EVEN MY BIRTHDAY AND WHY ARE WE ON THE ROOF TOP DON’T YOU KNOW I’M AFRAID OF HEIGHTS!?’ feeling troubled about what is happening, he looked at his buddies for some help but they couldn’t do anything they just shrugged. Beck having no idea what to do he said ‘Don’t you like my surprise for you? You said…’ ‘I SAID WHAT?! EXACTLY?!!’ Brianna got close to beck as if she was about to rip his face off. ‘The note that you gave me yesterday in my locker’ Beck looked inside his back pocket and panicked because the note was not there. ‘WHAT NOTE?! I NEVER GAVE YOU A NOTE! YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY? WELL IT’S NOT FUNNY TO ME! WE’RE DONE BECK ROMAN! I NEVER WANT TO BE WITH YOU EVER AGAIN!! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!’ Beck and his buddies ran after Brianna and left the roof top. Emma and I got out and looked at the spiders that was in the glass cage.

   ‘Operation get rid of jerk Boyfriend is a success’ Said Emma when she tossed the can in the garbage disposal. I went to open the door to see if they would come back just in case. I went up to Emma and asked
   ‘How did you know that this plan was going to work?’ Emma looked at me and laughed ‘Ahm, hello! I’d be angry myself if someone did something like that to me’ She said while pointing at the huge spiders. ‘Well, you kinda have a point there’ I said and went to the green house. Emma followed me and asked
   ‘You don’t seem so happy. Come on!’ She said while holding my shoulders ‘This is your chance, now that beck isn’t around you can win your girl back! I moved back and removed her hands from my shoulder. I went to the bunch of flowers and picked the one that was perfect. It was a yellow tulip I went up to Emma while holding the flower, deeply looking in her ocean blue eyes and said
   ‘You know you didn’t have to do this for me’ Emma looked at me as if something was wrong ‘what are you talking about?’ She asked. I held her left hand while saying ‘I never got the chance to tell you this because of what was happening around us but now? I think I’ll be able to let you know that’ I paused for a second, I don’t know how to say this to her. ‘Let me know what?’ Emma asked with her sweetest voice. ‘Emma I want to let you know that…’ I was about to tell her when beck came back and broke the glass of spiders and said.
   ‘That note ruined everything! He wanted to make Brianna break up with me! The second I know who gave me that note I’ll crush him! Like this spider’ after saying that beck placed his foot over the spider and squashed it then left.
   That was the first time I saw beck so furious, good thing he won’t know that Emma did it. I just hope nothing insanely bad would happen afterwards.
   ‘Come on let’s go down we still have class’ I heard Emma and followed her down. I was thinking maybe this wasn’t the right time to tell her. From now on, I’m just going to enjoy every second of Emma’s company even if we’re just friends, her friendship is all I have right now. I’ll just wait for the perfect timing to make a declaration of love to her. But I need to make her fall for me first.

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