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Rise and shine princess! Sunday is beach day!
I woke up to my dad screaming inside my bedroom. ‘But I don’t wanna go’ I uttered as I covered my face with my blanket. ‘Bummer, looks like it’s just Me, Dan and Damien then.’ I jumped out off my bed the moment I heard Damien’s name.
‘Damien’s here?!’ I pushed my dad out the door and told him to wait for me down stairs. I opened my closet and chose the cutest outfit that I had. It was a one piece blue bathing suit and I paired it up with a long sleeted white skirt with yellow tropical flowers printed on it.
I was done packing my things and I grabbed my pink straw hat on the way out. As I got down stairs I saw Damien looking exceptionally handsome today. He was wearing a dark blue hawaiian shirt and white shorts. ‘You ready for the beach?’ Damien asked. I nodded and heard my dad’s voice from the other side of the room. ‘No one told me that we’re supposed to be in uniform, well anyway since Emma’s here best that we make our way to the beach or else we wouldn’t get any good spots.’ Dad went ahead and the two of us were the ones left inside. I was about to go out when Damien grabbed my hand. ‘Wait’ he said, I turned to him and saw him holding a pink tulip. ‘Something pretty to go with your hat’. He placed it in between the ribbon that was wrapped around it but before I could say thank you he took both of my hands and said ‘About the thing I was about to tell you last night -- I ..’
    This was it! I think he's going to finally confess his feelings for me. I was patiently waiting for what he will say next when we heard dad honking his car outside. Damien stopped and didn’t go through with what he was about to say. ‘You know what, I’ll just tell you some other time’ then we headed outside. Again with all this other time I’m starting to get sick with his dilly dallying. 
    We got out of the house and I saw Damien’s uncle and his butler waiting inside the car. Even the butler was wearing a beach outfit they must be super close to each other that they let him join us.
    Damien opened the door for me and got inside after. As we were in the car I asked Damien if this was his idea but told me that it was my dad who planed this and he just invited them. ‘He took care of everything; all the food and drinks. I even offered to pay for the petrol but he insisted not to. He planned this trip to make time for you’ I looked and smiled at my father as he was happily driving.
When we got to the beach our jaw dropped to see so many people at the beach, it was jam packed. ‘Now where do we place our things’ my dad said in dismay. ‘We can just leave it in the car’ Damien exclaimed. My dad argued with his idea because it was so far from the beach and he didn’t want to walk all the way to the car if he needed to get something. ‘It’s fine Stan, you do need your cardio anyway. Gotta lose some of that baby fat there’ then Damien’s uncle drum rolled his stomach and ran towards the beach. Dad chased him and we just laughed at what we saw. They acted like kids and it was hilarious.
The butler approached us and said ‘Might I suggest a game of beach volleyball Monsieur.’ We looked at him and told him that we are having a vacation, he didn’t need to be so formal whenever he would speak to us. He stood there with a deadpan expression then uttered out ‘My apologies sir -- but I’m going to kick your butts. Last one there has rotten undies’
     His butler was right he did kick our butts. He would spike the ball every single time, it was unbelievable. It’s either we don’t hit the ball or we would bump into each other. After we played we decided to finally take a swim. There wasn’t that much waves that day so it was perfect to get on a floaty and unwind. I know they were enjoying it; My dad, Stan and Arthur. Yeah I just knew his name earlier, I didn’t have the time to ask.
While we were looking for a starfish near some ocean rocks Damien started talking about starfish trivias. ‘Did you know that there are more than 2,000 species of sea stars? Did you also know that they can have more than 5 arms? Also did you know that they aren’t fish’ Damien said all of these fact about star fishes and I was just amazed at how he knows so much about them. After 6 minutes we finally found one. He was holding it up in the air as I asked him ‘if they aren’t fish then what are they?’ He turned to me and said ‘Stars of course isn’t it obvious?’
He really had the guts to joke about something when he could definitely tell that I was being serious. I chased him around so many people as he tried to swim-run away from me. When I caught up to him I splashed the water so hard towards him out of rage that he made the loudest scream.


     Emma you dummy! What have I done? I immediately helped him out the water and I ran to the car to get a bottle of water and a towel for him. But when I got to him someone was already helping him it was -- Brianna.
‘Why would she splash ocean water in your eyes that’s insane. It’s a good thing I was near by to help you Damien’ Brianna said as she glared at me. I was fuming with rage and it got even worse when she purposefully poured water on his chest and rubbed it off with her towel. ‘Oh, I’m so sorry. Let me dry you off Deymi’ she uttered after she gave me a devilish smirk.
     Deymi? Deymi!? that is it I have had it with this bimbo! ‘Ahm there’s nothing to dry genius he’s already wet. You’ll know if you have eyes connected to your brain’ she stood up in front of me and looked at me from head too toe ‘Well I think he doesn’t want to get wet whenever you’re around anymore after what you have done to him. Just look at what you did to his gorgeous eyes, it’s all red now!’ I looked at Damien and saw his eyes were already bright red. I got down and came close to Damien and said sorry for what I have done earlier that I wasn’t thinking straight. 
Then an irksome voice came from behind me ‘Who’s stupid now?’ then she started laughing. I snapped. I charged towards her and before I could grab her hair a hand stopped me. ‘There’s no need to fight okay? What happened was just an accident. Brianna, Thank you for helping me but Emma and I best be on our way’ Damien went ahead when I was still looking daggers at Brianna as I said in an irritated voice ‘I would have been the one helping you if she just drowned at sea when she got here. You’re lucky I didn’t got the chance to pounce at you earlier’
I was about to leave her when she aggressively grabbed my arm and leaned close to my ear. ‘I know you like Damien and if I were you? better do it quick because before you know it, it will just be me and Damien without you ruining the picture. Oh and thanks for taking care of him while I wasn't around. You can just leave him to me now starting tomorrow’ then she let go and walked away.
     I saw Damien sitting on a fallen tree beside the car when I walked up to him with a troubled face he instantly grabbed my hand and said ‘I don’t hate you okay? Never overthink about the things Brianna said to you earlier. Let’s just enjoy the rest of the day together. Nothing that you do could ever make me want to avoid you, okay? You know that.’
We did spend the rest of the day laughing and having fun but how I wanted to believe so badly that what he said to me was true. Well it turned out to be a lie because the next day in our class I found him sitting in front. I said good morning to him and asked why he switched seats with another student but he just -- ignored me.
I sat in my desk quietly constantly looking at him but he didn’t look back at me; not a single glance throughout the whole class. I was about to talk to him as we got outside the classroom but then to my horror something that I had feared happened. Brianna went up to him and kissed his check then she wrapped her arms around him and asked if he made a reservation already for their date later and to my dismay I heard him say ‘Yes, babe.’
What I heard still echoed in my head. I felt that something had died inside of me. I didn’t want to believe that all of this was true so I called Damien but he just looked at me like I didn’t exist then the boy just walked right pass me. Brianna was clinging on his arm when she looked back at me and mouthed the words ‘Loser’
A week of torture, a week of excruciating pain in my heart and a week regretting not having the guts to tell him how I felt. I was so stupid to let him go. The first three days were so painful and I couldn’t stand seeing them together in school that I decided to stay at home hoping it would lessen the pain but still -- it didn’t. I wanted to keep this pain to myself instead, I locked myself inside my room 24/7. Dad would bring me food but I didn’t have the energy to even get up. My friends heard the news from my dad and they tried to call me multiple times but I decided not to answer because I know I would just cry like a baby in front of them.   
Constantly looking at my phone for a text or call from him but nothing showed up. The guy of my dreams was inches away from me and now he's with someone else. It hurts so bad that I just wished that this was just all a bad dream and that I still haven't woken up yet after that day at the beach, but it wasn't. I didn’t know what to do anymore.

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